0 Replies Latest reply on Sep 12, 2012 12:32 PM by zont

    4-node-cluster on two hosts. message distribution


      Following Cluster configuration:


      I have two windows hosts H1 and H2 communicating via 1Gig-Network. On each host run two

      hornetQ-Nodes (2.2.14) within jboss 6.1 (port-offset). All 4 nodes are configured to a HornetQ-cluster.


      Seems like:


      H1: n1, n2

      H2: n3, n4


      If to the node n1 is connected a consumer and a producer sends N messages to n2, all messages go to n1.

      Same situation when I send to n1 - all messages remain on it. Both cases seem to be correct behaviour.


      But if the consumer is on the node n3 or n4, the distribution looks different - each node gets N/4 of sent messages.

      For me it seems like, the nodes on the host H1 dont know about the conusmers on H2.


      Could you explain this behaviour? Thank you.