2 Replies Latest reply on Sep 24, 2012 9:03 PM by tsurdilovic

    Link between org.drools.definition.process.Process and asset in Guvnor


      Hi all,

      in my application, I use a KnowledgeAgent that scans a Guvnor ChangeSet in order to see the latest modification on the process definitions.

      I can list the process definitions in the kbase using: ksession.getKnowledgeBase().getProcesses(). This call returns a list of org.drools.definition.process.Process objects that has the following attributes: id, name, version, package name, type, metadata. This is an example of table displaying that data:


      Now I want to add an edit feature, that opens directly the Designer in the application context, not Guvnor, using the URL: http://localhost:8080/drools-Guvnor/org.drools.guvnor.Guvnor/standaloneEditorServlet?assetsUUIDs=" + processUuid + "&client=designer";


      The problem is that I can't find a link from the Process object to the UUID of the resource in Guvnor. How can I find the UUID starting from org.drools.definition.process.Process object?

      Thank you for an answer,


        • 1. Re: Link between org.drools.definition.process.Process and asset in Guvnor

          I've written this function that using the REST API retrieves the process UUID. It returns the first asset (BPMN file) that has a matching process ID in the definition.

          Do you think it's a right solution?



          public String getProcessUUID(Process p) {


                              try {

                                        URL restUrl = new URL(url + "rest/packages/");

                                        HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) restUrl.openConnection();

                                        connection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + new Base64().encodeToString(((username + ":" + password).getBytes())));


                                        connection.setRequestProperty("Accept", MediaType.APPLICATION_ATOM_XML);


                                        assertEquals(200, connection.getResponseCode());

                                        assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_ATOM_XML, connection.getContentType());



                                        // Parse response

                                        InputStream in = connection.getInputStream();

                                        Document<Feed> doc = abdera.getParser().parse(in);

                                        Feed feed = doc.getRoot();

                                        List<Entry> entries = feed.getEntries();

                                        Iterator<Entry> it = entries.iterator();



                                        while (it.hasNext()) {

                                                  Entry entry = it.next();



                                                  // Match package

                                                  if (p.getPackageName().equals(entry.getTitle())) {



                                                            // Get the assets

                                                            restUrl = new URL(url + "rest/packages/" + p.getPackageName() + "/assets");

                                                            HttpURLConnection assetConnection = (HttpURLConnection) restUrl.openConnection();

                                                            assetConnection.setRequestProperty("Authorization", "Basic " + new Base64().encodeToString(((username + ":" + password).getBytes())));


                                                            assetConnection.setRequestProperty("Accept", MediaType.APPLICATION_ATOM_XML);


                                                            assertEquals(200, assetConnection.getResponseCode());

                                                            assertEquals(MediaType.APPLICATION_ATOM_XML, assetConnection.getContentType());



                                                            // Parse response

                                                            InputStream in2 = assetConnection.getInputStream();

                                                            Document<Feed> assets = abdera.getParser().parse(in2);

                                                            Feed assetFeed = assets.getRoot();

                                                            List<Entry> assetsEntries = assetFeed.getEntries();



                                                            for (Entry atomEntry : assetsEntries) {



                                                                      ExtensibleElement metadataExtension = atomEntry.getExtension(Translator.METADATA);

                                                                      ExtensibleElement formatExtension = metadataExtension.getExtension(Translator.FORMAT);

                                                                      ExtensibleElement uuidExtension = metadataExtension.getExtension(Translator.UUID);

                                                                      String uuid = uuidExtension.getSimpleExtension(Translator.VALUE);



                                                                      if (formatExtension.getSimpleExtension(Translator.VALUE).contains("bpmn")) {

                                                                                // Check if the bpmn file contains the specified process ID

                                                                                SemanticModules modules = new SemanticModules();

                                                                                modules.addSemanticModule(new BPMNSemanticModule());

                                                                                modules.addSemanticModule(new BPMNDISemanticModule());

                                                                                XmlProcessReader processReader = new XmlProcessReader(modules, getClass().getClassLoader());


                                                                                // The bpmn file matches the process ID, return the UUID of the asset

                                                                                if (processReader.getProcess().get(0).getId().equals(p.getId()))

                                                                                          return uuid;





                              } catch (Exception e) {



                              return null;


          • 2. Re: Link between org.drools.definition.process.Process and asset in Guvnor

            That looks right.