1 Reply Latest reply on Jan 29, 2002 5:14 PM by dsundstrom

    Where to prepare data for CMP finders?


      I think I laid a wrong question... So, again:

      What is the correct way to prepare parameters for the CMP Entity bean finder?

      Should I prepare the data in a ejbHome<> method and then call the ejbFind<> method from it? Should then the ejbFind<> method be declared as abstract in the bean implementation?
      Or is there another way to do that?

      Please, write anything what could be at least a bit helpful, I need it desperatelly...


        • 1. Re: Where to prepare data for CMP finders?

          Yes you can do it this way. Just delcare a method in your home, something like getMyStuff, and the finder, something like findMyStuff. Then in your bean implementation you will declare an ejbHomeGetMyStuff method which calls findMyStuff on the Home interface. Do not declare the ejbFind method in your bean implementation class.