3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 25, 2012 11:01 AM by aslak

    Arquillian Android Container vs. Roboletric


      Hi guys:


      Curious: what's the aimed difference between our ARQ Android Container and Roboletric?  Have we talked to those guys at all?






        • 1. Re: Arquillian Android Container vs. Roboletric

          We don't really have a Android Container in the normal Container sense. We can connect to a device or start a emulator and deploy to it, but no in container bits atm. There is/was a RHSoC project attempting to integrate Roboletric with Arquillian. Not sure about the current status.

          • 2. Re: Arquillian Android Container vs. Roboletric

            Not correct. There is a RHSoC project for integrating Robotium into Arquillian, not Roboletric. It's still in early stage now.


            However, in order to do that, we might be using RoboElectric eventually.


            This is how I imagine test case:





            @Deployment AndroidArchive() {

            //ShrinkWrap support for APK, stay tuned I might have something in the magic pocket




            Solo solo;




            public void test() {

                // this is either compiled into InstrumentationTestCase2 transparently to user, similar as we do for GWT

               // or we could use Roboletric and then robotium support is questionable




            Current Android Extension does:

            * Start emulator/real device

            * Allows you to inject AndroidDevice controller into test

            * Has support for Drone


            So it can be used in conjuction with previous.

            • 3. Re: Arquillian Android Container vs. Roboletric

              aa, yes.. sorry, mixed the names