3 Replies Latest reply on Sep 24, 2012 9:12 PM by thomas.diesler

    Issues with BluePrint and ServiceTracker


      I am starting with OSGI and Blueprint


      The structure of my project is as follows


      ApiProject (OSGI) ----           Project containg the interfaces


      ImplProject (OSGI) ----         Project containing the implementaion of interfaces


      WebProject (non-OSGI)      Project containg a servlet which access a service defined in the OSGI project ( ApiProject )


      The issue that is happning is that when I use an activator in the ImplProject and register the service, I am able to access it using a serviceTracker in the WebProject.


      But if I use blueprint and register the service as shown below


            <bean id="mainservice"





                <service ref="mainservice"

                      interface="com.link.services.MainService" />


      I am not able to retrieve the service using the serviceTracker.


      I am using the the standalone-full.xml with the below added and subsystem xmlns="urn:jboss:domain:osgi:1.2" set to eager

                     <capability name="org.apache.aries:org.apache.aries.util:0.4" startlevel="2"/>

                      <capability name="org.apache.aries.proxy:org.apache.aries.proxy:0.4" startlevel="2"/>

                      <capability name="org.apache.aries.blueprint:org.apache.aries.blueprint:0.4" startlevel="2"/>


      My question is that Does Blueprint have any issues in working with ServiceTracker etc


      Thanks in advance

        • 1. Re: Issues with BluePrint and ServiceTracker

          This should work in theory. What does the debug log say?

          • 2. Re: Issues with BluePrint and ServiceTracker

            Further checking I found that having the startlevel="2" was not starting up aries , blueprint etc

            After making them as follows


                           <capability name="org.apache.aries:org.apache.aries.util:0.4" />

                            <capability name="org.apache.aries.proxy:org.apache.aries.proxy:0.4" />

                            <capability name="org.apache.aries.blueprint:org.apache.aries.blueprint:0.4" />


            starts all of them . I say that w.r.t the checkmark in the OSGI section of the admin console

            After this I am able to access the services through the ServiceTracker



            • 3. Re: Issues with BluePrint and ServiceTracker

              Having those bundles at startlevel=2 should also work. Did you tell the framework to go up to that level?


              <!-- Specifies the beginning start level of the framework -->

              <property name="org.osgi.framework.startlevel.beginning">2</property>