0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 4, 2012 4:38 PM by alafarm

    Can't access seam conversation after outputLink


      Do I understand this right?


      I have a view with this:


      <h:outputLink value="'downloadFile.seam" style="text-decoration: none"'>

        <h:outputText value="#{additionalInfo.displayText}" />



      When I browse to this view and look at Debug.seam, I see a conversation with values I need.


      An earlier bean outjects an object into that conversation like this:


      @Out(required = false, scope = ScopeType.SESSION)

      ProofMetadataDTO proofObject;


      When I click my outputLink, downloadFile can inject proofObject like this:


      ProofMetadataDTO proofObject;


      BUT... then there was a change in the outjection scope from Session to Conversation:

      @Out(required = false, scope = ScopeType.CONVERSATION)

      ProofMetadataDTO proofObject;


      Now the @In doesn't get the value: I'm getting a "@In attribute requires non-null value" error (obviously I'm out of scope)


      I tried to propogate the conversation with this <s:conversationId/>, but it didn't help. Shouldn't I now be able to inject from that conversation?