15. Re: BeanManager not accessible via JNDI
cpineda Oct 4, 2012 6:11 PM (in response to lightguard)In a POJO, am I supposed to capture that handles User IdentityImpl, so BeanManager should help with this.
16. Re: BeanManager not accessible via JNDI
lightguard Oct 4, 2012 6:16 PM (in response to cpineda)We seem to be going around quite a bit, I have to ask, why are you trying to avoid injection?
17. Re: BeanManager not accessible via JNDI
cpineda Oct 4, 2012 6:19 PM (in response to lightguard)One is to get the User of IdetityImpl and can manipulate at will
18. Re: BeanManager not accessible via JNDI
lightguard Oct 4, 2012 6:21 PM (in response to cpineda)I may be missing something here, but I don't understand how injection is impeding that - the manipulate at will part. For the User of it, you're looking for the currently logged in user accessing it? If that's the case, seems like a decorator would help there.
19. Re: BeanManager not accessible via JNDI
cpineda Oct 4, 2012 6:27 PM (in response to lightguard)Ok. but first I want to get the intanciar BeanManager for the Identity manually. is as close to my solution.
20. Re: BeanManager not accessible via JNDI
lightguard Oct 4, 2012 7:09 PM (in response to cpineda)You'll want to either @Inject BeanManager or use what we've done in Apache DeltaSpike: https://github.com/apache/incubator-deltaspike/blob/master/deltaspike/core/api/src/main/java/org/apache/deltaspike/core/api/provider/BeanManagerProvider.java
21. Re: BeanManager not accessible via JNDI
cpineda Oct 5, 2012 8:42 AM (in response to lightguard)Ok. manipulation of BeanManager interesting but as is the handling of manually Identity?
22. Re: BeanManager not accessible via JNDI
lightguard Oct 5, 2012 12:48 PM (in response to cpineda)You can't get the Identity from Seam 3 without injection, or retrieving it from the BeanManager. Even if you created a new one using new, it wouldn't work properly because it has injections as well. The only way to get it to work correctly is to either @Inject it or to retreive it manually from the BeanManager.
23. Re: BeanManager not accessible via JNDI
cpineda Oct 5, 2012 1:08 PM (in response to lightguard)ok. thanks