1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 12, 2012 9:14 AM by erasmomarciano

    Connect JBoss 7.1.1 to JBoss 5.x JMS




      I have a JMS client application which is JBoss 7.1.1.

      I would like to connect it to JBoss 5.x server, so I can send/receive messages between them.


      I've added the jboss-aop.jar, jboss-logging-spi.jar and jboss-messaging.jar from JBoss 5.1 to my JMS Client bundle.


      When I try to send a message to the JBoss 5.1 queue, I get the following error:


      java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/aop/util/UnmodifiableEmptyCollections$LockedConcurrentSet MQ EXCEPTION IS: 

      CAUSED BY: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jboss.aop.util.UnmodifiableEmptyCollections$LockedConcurrentSet from [Module "jms:0.0.1" from Service Module Loader]


      The class UnmodifiableEmptyCollections is present in jboss-aop.jar.


      Can you please suggest what might be the cause of this error.



        • 1. Re: Connect JBoss 7.1.1 to JBoss 5.x JMS

          java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: org/jboss/aop/util/UnmodifiableEmptyCollections$LockedConcurrentSet MQ EXCEPTION IS:

          CAUSED BY: java.lang.ClassNotFoundException: org.jboss.aop.util.UnmodifiableEmptyCollections$LockedConcurrentSet from [Module "jms:0.0.1" from Service Module Loader]



          I look likes that doesn't find this jar.


          You may add this jat in CLASSPATH