1 2 3 4 Previous Next 47 Replies Latest reply on Oct 22, 2012 7:39 PM by bgnt44 Go to original post
      • 15. Re: weld-osgi Status?

        I've tried building your latest branches.


        alesj/core osgi3 is missing a dependency:


        [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project weld-core-test: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.jboss.weld:weld-core-test:jar:1.2.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.jboss.as:jboss-as-arquillian-common:jar:7.2.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT in jboss-public-repository-group (http://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public) -> [Help 1]


        And for weld-as7-tck-runner, Maven can't resolve the POM. Does it require a JBoss  repository which is not listed in the POM?


        hwellmann@handel:~/work/weld-alesj/weld-as7-tck-runner$ mvn install

        [INFO] Scanning for projects...

        Downloading: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/jboss/weld/weld-core-bom/1.1.1.Final/weld-core-bom-1.1.1.Final.pom

        [ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1]


        [ERROR]   The project org.jboss.jbossas.as7-cdi-tck:cdi-tck-parent:1.0.0.CR3-SNAPSHOT (/home/hwellmann/work/weld-alesj/weld-as7-tck-runner/pom.xml) has 1 error

        [ERROR]     Non-resolvable import POM: Could not find artifact org.jboss.weld:weld-core-bom:pom:1.1.1.Final in central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2) @ line 184, column 25 -> [Help 2]


        Best regards,


        • 16. Re: weld-osgi Status?

          [ERROR] Failed to execute goal on project weld-core-test: Could not resolve dependencies for project org.jboss.weld:weld-core-test:jar:1.2.0-SNAPSHOT: Could not find artifact org.jboss.as:jboss-as-arquillian-common:jar:7.2.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT in jboss-public-repository-group (http://repository.jboss.org/nexus/content/groups/public) -> [Help 1]

          Yeah, you need to have some build of AS7.2.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT first.

          Build current AS7 upstream master and you should be fine.


          And for weld-as7-tck-runner, Maven can't resolve the POM. Does it require a JBoss  repository which is not listed in the POM?


          hwellmann@handel:~/work/weld-alesj/weld-as7-tck-runner$ mvn install

          [INFO] Scanning for projects...

          Downloading: http://repo1.maven.org/maven2/org/jboss/weld/weld-core-bom/1.1.1.Final/weld-core-bom-1.1.1.Final.pom

          [ERROR] The build could not read 1 project -> [Help 1]


          [ERROR]   The project org.jboss.jbossas.as7-cdi-tck:cdi-tck-parent:1.0.0.CR3-SNAPSHOT (/home/hwellmann/work/weld-alesj/weld-as7-tck-runner/pom.xml) has 1 error

          [ERROR]     Non-resolvable import POM: Could not find artifact org.jboss.weld:weld-core-bom:pom:1.1.1.Final in central (http://repo1.maven.org/maven2) @ line 184, column 25 -> [Help 2]


          Yeah, looks like it -- you need JBoss Maven / Nexus repo listed somewhere.

          Either global settings.xml or add it manually to root pom.xml.

          • 17. Re: weld-osgi Status?

            Ales Justin による書き込み:


            A quick update:

            * http://lists.jboss.org/pipermail/weld-dev/2012-August/003053.html


            The latest AS7 CDI TCK Runner is here:

            * https://github.com/jbossas/weld-as7-tck-runner

            Thanks very much!

            • 18. Re: weld-osgi Status?


              Very exciting project here ... Can't wait to try to build an OSGI webapp !


              Btw is there any update, i've seen the branches osgi5 on alesj github, what about "stability" of that release ?


              I'm kindy new to all these stuff, and it's quite hard to find a lookaround for OSGI and WELD / JEE integration ...


              So basically, i would like to know if i can start developping a web app based on your work and what about the maturity of that project


              Does the OSGI/WELD is planned to be integrated to JBOSS and/or glassfish main trunk


              Moreover, i know that some limitation apply to OSGI project , what about persistence, can i use hibernate special annotations or should i go to standard JPA,

              Then can i use @Scope(s) annotations or that make no sense for osgi app ?


              What about external library (like jersey / cxf / primefaces ?)

              If my understanding of OSDI is good there is two way of using library :

              -Packed the jars inside a bundle "the maven way" (can i pack any lib this way)

              -Using the lib as a bundle, (limited by the existence of a bundle)


              Is there any other stuff related to "classic web app" that missed in WELD-OSGI


              Another question, does multiple bundle can share the same web context ?


              Thanks, i'm sorry for the large scope of the questions..:)

              • 19. Re: weld-osgi Status?

                Btw is there any update, i've seen the branches osgi5 on alesj github, what about "stability" of that release ?

                * http://in.relation.to/Bloggers/NotOneTwoWeldReleases1110FinalAnd120Beta1

                • 20. Re: weld-osgi Status?

                  Great , just need to know how to deploy / test Weld-OSGI ...


                  AFAIK, i can't just replace jboss with artifacts provided by the 1.2.0-beta1 because of SPI modification ..


                  But  is there any jboss version that can be built with WELD 1.2.0-beta1 and can i hope this version to work quite well or its an really early stage ?

                  : Ok i've just learn a little bit more about OSGI and WELD-OSGI and i figure that i may don't need a JEE container (like JBOSS) to be able to deploy a bundled web app to an OSGI Container (at least for now)


                  Edit : So basically i can run Weld-Osgi 1.2.0 in a standard osgi container right ?


                  Will i miss something using Felix over JBOSS considering i only use Bundles and no classic web app ?




                  Message was edited

                  • 21. Re: weld-osgi Status?

                    Hi Guillaume B

                    >Does the OSGI/WELD is planned to be integrated to JBOSS and/or glassfish main trunk

                    About whether OSGI/WELD is planned to be integrated to glassfish trunk, glassfish does not plan to integrate OSGi/WELD, currently, glassfish self has a initial implementation of OSGi/CDI,

                    with the accecptance of OSGi/CDI final specification , glassfish will have a plan to enhance OSGi/CDI.


                    About OSGi/WELD, nowadays, it is only integrated into JBOSS.


                    >Great , just need to know how to deploy / test Weld-OSGI ?

                    Please let me see it and then whether can give some comments.




                    • 22. Re: weld-osgi Status?

                      Thanks you, so if my understanding is ok, for now there is 2 options :

                      - use hybrid jee/osgi container like GF/JBOSS with partial OSGI/WELD implemented ...

                      - use a pure OSGI container like Equinox/Felix with full OSGI/WELD support (for now 1.2.0.beta1) ?


                      so if i use felix, i loose jpa/jta/jmx features provided by hybrid container right ?

                      but theorically (and why not pratically) can i get JTA / JPA / HttpService ... Bundles and put them in a classic container ?


                      Just a last thought.. does Osgi provide Servlet 3 and web fragment support ?


                      Lots of questions, sorry for that

                      • 23. Re: weld-osgi Status?

                        Guillaume B による書き込み:


                        Thanks you, so if my understanding is ok, for now there is 2 options :

                        - use hybrid jee/osgi container like GF/JBOSS with partial OSGI/WELD implemented ...

                        - use a pure OSGI container like Equinox/Felix with full OSGI/WELD support (for now 1.2.0.beta1) ?


                        so if i use felix, i loose jpa/jta/jmx features provided by hybrid container right ?

                        but theorically (and why not pratically) can i get JTA / JPA / HttpService ... Bundles and put them in a classic container ?


                        Just a last thought.. does Osgi provide Servlet 3 and web fragment support ?


                        Lots of questions, sorry for that

                        >- use hybrid jee/osgi container like GF/JBOSS with partial OSGI/WELD implemented ...

                        As glassfish, please use hybrid jee/osgi container with initial OSGi/CDI implementation( now, only supporting @OSGiService)

                        As jboss, please ales reply you.


                        >- use a pure OSGI container like Equinox/Felix with full OSGI/WELD support (for now 1.2.0.beta1) ?

                        If using pure OSGi container, surely, I think using Weld-OSGi SE mode is enough.


                        > so if i use felix, i loose jpa/jta/jmx features provided by hybrid container right ?

                        Felix is only a osgi runtime framework, all osgi ee related features should be implemented based a osgi runtime framework.

                        So, if you do not use gf or jboss, you may use liking-apache aries related bundles(I still have not used it) to achieve your goal.


                        > but theorically (and why not pratically) can i get JTA / JPA / HttpService ... Bundles and put them in a classic container ?

                        Surely, you can find such bundles such as pax-web for httpservice...


                        > Just a last thought.. does Osgi provide Servlet 3 and web fragment support ?

                        Exactly saying , I do not confirm it, you can see osgi spec and concrete osgi implementations.




                        • 24. Re: weld-osgi Status?

                          Hi Ales,


                            While I am building weld-osgi (osgi5),  I must firstly build jboss-as because it needs some jboss-as 7.2.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT related artifacts (such as :jboss-as-arquillian-common).


                          I have known weld-osgi is being integrated into jboss-as, however,  a user maybe wants to build weld-osgi in standalone way in order to run it in pure osgi framework(felix...). Originally,weld-osgi can be built from

                          https://github.com/mathieuancelin/core in standalone way, however, nowadays, because this git has moved your git core, so we can not build weld-osgi in standalone way.


                          I want to know whether having a way to build weld-osgi in standalone way or not?




                          • 25. Re: weld-osgi Status?

                            >Great , just need to know how to deploy / test Weld-OSGI ?

                            1 Firstly building the newest weld-osgi

                            Basiclly refer to http://mathieuancelin.github.com/Dev/2012/05/01/how-to-build-weld-osgi/

                            However, because weld-osgi has moved into ales's git and has a newest osgi5 branch, so you must make a litter change as following:


                            1) building jboss as 7.2.0.Alpha1-SNAPSHOT from git


                            ・git clone https://github.com/jbossas/jboss-as.git

                            ・set your maven setting.xml to add jboss repo as following:







                                      <name>JBoss Public Maven Repository Group</name>
















                                      <name>JBoss Public Maven Repository Group</name>





















                            ・mvn -DskipTests=true clean install


                            2) building weld-osgi api


                            ・git clone https://github.com/alesj/api.git

                            ・git checkout -b osgi2 origin/osgi2

                            ・mvn clean install


                            3) building weld-osgi core


                            ・git cloe https://github.com/alesj/core.git

                            ・git checkout -b osgi5 origin/osgi5

                            ・mvn -DskipTests=true clean install


                            2 play and deploy weld-osgi samples on pure osgi runtimes


                            1) cd weld-osgi/core/environments/osgi/examples

                            2) mvn clean install

                            3) if you are in linux/unix,

                              ・ cd  weld-osgi//core/environments/osgi/

                              ・ execute one of the following according to your interest








                            4) if you are in windows,

                               ・cd weld-osgi\core\environments\osgi\examples\container-felix\target\weld-osgi-container-felix-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT-all\weld-osgi-container-felix-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT (taking felix as a example)

                               ・java -jar bin\felix.jar


                            Note: while running the above osgi runtime, you will meet a problem:

                            ERROR: Error starting file:modules/weld-osgi-core-extension-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar (

                            org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved constraint in bundle org.jboss.we

                            ld.osgi.weld-osgi-core-extension [26]: Unable to resolve 26.0: missing requireme

                            nt [26.0] package; (&(package=javax.inject)(version>=1.0.0)))

                            org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved constraint in bundle org.jboss.we

                            ld.osgi.weld-osgi-core-extension [26]: Unable to resolve 26.0: missing requireme

                            nt [26.0] package; (&(package=javax.inject)(version>=1.0.0))

                                    at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.resolveBundle(Felix.java:3404)

                                    at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.startBundle(Felix.java:1714)

                                    at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.setActiveStartLevel(Felix.java:1143)


                                    at org.apache.felix.framework.StartLevelImpl.run(StartLevelImpl.java:264


                                    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)

                            ERROR: Error starting file:modules/weld-osgi-core-integration-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT.jar

                            (org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved constraint in bundle org.jboss.

                            weld.osgi.weld-osgi-core-integration [27]: Unable to resolve 27.0: missing requi

                            rement [27.0] package; (&(package=javax.inject)(version>=1.0.0)))

                            org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Unresolved constraint in bundle org.jboss.we

                            ld.osgi.weld-osgi-core-integration [27]: Unable to resolve 27.0: missing require

                            ment [27.0] package; (&(package=javax.inject)(version>=1.0.0))

                                    at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.resolveBundle(Felix.java:3404)

                                    at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.startBundle(Felix.java:1714)

                                    at org.apache.felix.framework.Felix.setActiveStartLevel(Felix.java:1143)


                                    at org.apache.felix.framework.StartLevelImpl.run(StartLevelImpl.java:264


                                    at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:662)

                            [INFO] Http service whiteboard started


                            Then, you need to download a javax.inject bundle and put it into weld-osgi-container-felix-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT\modules, and at the same time,

                            editing weld-osgi-container-felix-1.2.0-SNAPSHOT\conf\config.properties and add the following:




                            5) once starting pure osgi runtime with samples, you can play them, for example, for paint example,


                            start 5

                            start 6

                            • 26. Re: weld-osgi Status?

                              Hi Ales,


                                If you have more time, please check example and while executing example, javax.inject bundle is missing.

                              Please see the above what I said.




                              • 27. Re: weld-osgi Status?

                                Thanks Tang, i can't wait to try that


                                BTW, i've seen you seem to work on OSGI Publish / Oberves features on Glassfish, so does the beta1 release of Weld 1.2 will help you on that or gf use a total different approach for OSGI/CDI ?



                                • 28. Re: weld-osgi Status?

                                  Guillaume B による書き込み:


                                  Thanks Tang, i can't wait to try that


                                  BTW, i've seen you seem to work on OSGI Publish / Oberves features on Glassfish, so does the beta1 release of Weld 1.2 will help you on that or gf use a total different approach for OSGI/CDI ?



                                  NO, I am not plan to use weld 1.2 beta 1, however, I am interested in weld-osgi running pure osgi runtime. I am considering to enhance glassfish OSGi/CDI not only OSGi/CDI event.

                                  • 29. Re: weld-osgi Status?

                                    Did you manage to make the examples work ?


                                    BTW if you try with Felix or Equinox, do you use an external http service ? (to have servlet 3.0 support ?)

                                    pax-web latest version seems to support it but i don't know how good it is .. did you try ?