4 Replies Latest reply on Oct 18, 2012 11:10 AM by dimonv

    Updating node properties of type "multiple reference"


      Hi all,


      in the modeshape version 2.8.1 there was an issue with updating and quering the nodes which have a property of type "multiple reference" (see https://community.jboss.org/message/746443)

      I started my first steps with 3.0.0CR1 by running the same test again and noticed the same issue.


      I just used a simle configuration:

      and didn't try out any caching options.



        • 1. Re: Updating node properties of type "multiple reference"

          Technically, the JCR 2.0 specification only requires that minimally only single-valued properties be supported in queries (see Section 6.7.1 of the specification). However, we do want that functionality to work, and there's already an open issue (MODE-1679)

          • 2. Re: Updating node properties of type "multiple reference"

            Hi Randall,


            you are absolutely right. It is always safer to follow a specification of a technology on developing an application. But it is also easy to drift into the vendor specific goodies if they fullfil the application requirements and fill the usability gaps, and finally if these goodies are provided by the other vendors too.


            Thanks and kind regards,


            • 3. Re: Updating node properties of type "multiple reference"

              I think the fix for MODE-1679 will correct this behavior so that you can query single- and multi-valued REFERENCE properties in the same way. For example, here's a query that would check for nodes with a 'foo:bar' property (with a multi-valued REFERENCE property definition) that points to a particular node:


              SELECT [foo:bar] FROM [some:type]

              WHERE [foo:bar] = '77295951-d72a-41b9-8700-26c64c7d0256'


              Here's another query that uses a join to find nodes that reference other nodes:


              SELECT typed.* FROM [notion:typed] AS typed

              JOIN [mix:referenceable] AS target ON typed.[notion:multipleReferences] = target.[jcr:uuid]

              WHERE PATH(target) = '/Other/NodeA[2]'


              And here's another query that uses a subquery to do the same thing:


              SELECT [notion:multipleReferences] FROM [notion:typed]

              WHERE [notion:multipleReferences] IN (

                   SELECT [jcr:uuid] FROM [mix:referenceable] AS node WHERE PATH(node) = '/Other/NodeA[2]'



              These queries all work correctly with the fix to the issue.

              • 4. Re: Updating node properties of type "multiple reference"

                Thanks a lot Randall!