1 Reply Latest reply on Oct 19, 2012 8:09 AM by i92jurir

    access to old data when updating with Home component


      Hi all,


      I have to copy old data of one entity to a auditing table when someone update the entity. I have overriden the update method of the Home component of the entity.


          public String update() {
              // get current data in db   NOT WORKING 2 WAYS
              Person old = entityManager.find(Person.class, this.instance.getId());    
              Person old = (Person) entityManager.createQuery("select p from Person p where p.id = "+ instance.getId()).getSingleResult();
              // create new row in auditing table   OK WORKING
              Person_Auditing person = new Person_Auditing();                               
              // Make the update of the entity in database
              return super.update();


      My problem is when I retrieve current data from database I get data already modified. I can´t get old value to copy to auditing table. Anybody can help me?


      Thanks in advance.

        • 1. Re: access to old data when updating with Home component

          I think the first post it´s a bit confusing.


          The idea was reread the original data from a row in a update operation. I was trying override the update method of the Home component to read the data from the table. Finally It´s working.


              public String update() {
                    // save modified data from instance
                    MyEntity modifiedEntity = new Entity();
                    // recover row from database
                    MyEntity currentEntity = new Entity();
                    currentEntity = entityManager.merge(currentEntity);
                    // create audit row with current data 
                    MyEntityAudit entityAudit = new MyEntityAudit(currentEntity);
                    // record modified data to database
                    return super.update();


          Other better method to do the same thing? Thanks.