0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 23, 2012 5:38 PM by jpadula35

    [RF4.2.3.Final] no onchange event firing for rich:pickList



      The onchange event is not firing for the rich:picklist. My updatePickListSelection() listener is never getting called. Does this have to be set up differently?


      <rich:pickList value="#{FilterPortletBean.pickListResult}" listHeight="150px" listWidth="150px"






                                                                  disabled="#{isEditor == false}">

                                                                  <f:selectItems value="#{FilterPortletBean.leftPickList}" />

                                                                  <a4j:ajax event="change"


                                                                            render="updateFilterButton" />





      public void updatePickListSelection() {

                          logger.info("updatePickListSelection() entered");




      Also the onsourcekeypress event is listed in the VDL, but when I tried this I get an error.

      <a4j:ajax event="sourcekeypress"

      I get this error in Chrome:

      /filterEdit.xhtml @210,38 <a4j:ajax> sourcekeypressevent is not supported for the UIPickList


      The VDL lists both of these. It appears either the VDL is incorrect or there is bug in RichFaces 4.2.3.Final.



      I'm in process of upgrading to RF4, and we relied on the old onlistchanged event, which no longer exists. I had though onchange would work.

      Is there a workaround for this? I need to get an event from the picklist when something is removed or added to/from the target list.


      Please let me know if I should write a JIRA.






      JSF 2.1.13

      Spring 3.1.12


      Thanks for your help.
