1. Re: JGroups integration on the Resource Adapter
jmesnil Oct 23, 2012 11:36 AM (in response to clebert.suconic)I had a quick look at the code and we could have a very simpl interface like
BroadcastGroupConfigurationLocator {
BroadcastGroupConfiguration getBroadcastGroupConfiguration(String name);
the RA would define 3 additional properties:
* bgcLocatorClass
* bgcLocatorMethod (similar to the tm locator properties)
* broadcastGroupConfigurationName
when the RA is started it will locate the bgclocator instance (can be null if the props are not set)
then if the broadcastGroupConfigurationName is set and there is locator, the RA calls it to get the BroadcastGroupConfiguration object to use
There is no need to introduce anything specific to JGroups here, it will work both for the UDP or JGroups implementation
on the AS7 side, I'll have to implement this locator interface and set the bgcLocatorClass & bgcLocatorMethod when the RA is setup by the PooledConnectionFactoryService
later, when the RA will call the locator, I'll have all the information I need to pass it the correct BroadcastGroupConfiguration instance
2. Re: JGroups integration on the Resource Adapter
clebert.suconic Oct 23, 2012 4:24 PM (in response to jmesnil)Also connectionPoolName was only added on the RA. What is the equivalent on the regular non RA connection factories?
3. Re: JGroups integration on the Resource Adapter
clebert.suconic Oct 23, 2012 4:33 PM (in response to clebert.suconic)also: HOrnetQResourceAdapter:createHornetQConnectionFActory seems broken to me...
What this means?
if (connectorClassName == null)????
you basically removed the setting for discoveryAddress!= null.. There is at least one test failing with a NPE.
4. Re: JGroups integration on the Resource Adapter
gaohoward Oct 23, 2012 9:41 PM (in response to jmesnil)OK I'll make the change as suggested. Thanks
5. Re: JGroups integration on the Resource Adapter
gaohoward Oct 23, 2012 9:51 PM (in response to clebert.suconic)connectionPoolName is only used by RA. I haven't thought of normal CF thou. It could be use the same locator mechanism.
6. Re: JGroups integration on the Resource Adapter
gaohoward Oct 23, 2012 9:52 PM (in response to clebert.suconic)I rearranged the if-else logic here in hope of making it simpler. Must be some flaw that I made during the change.
7. Re: JGroups integration on the Resource Adapter
clebert.suconic Oct 23, 2012 10:37 PM (in response to gaohoward)Take a look to my PR which has supposedly fixed it.
8. Re: JGroups integration on the Resource Adapter
gaohoward Oct 24, 2012 4:27 AM (in response to clebert.suconic)Talked to Jeff, he'd like to take this burden to fix it. Thanks.