0 Replies Latest reply on Oct 31, 2012 9:05 AM by darkspirit

    Prevent Ajax request for specific TreeNode


      Hi there,


      I was wondering if it is possible to have a rich:tree that uses selectionType="ajax" but omits the ajax request for a certain node.



      <rich:tree value="#{someBean.rootNode}" var="node" nodeType="#{node.nodeType}" selectionType="ajax" rowKeyConverter="org.richfaces.IntegerSequenceRowKeyConverter">
           <rich:treeSelectionChangeListener listener="#{someBeanBean.selectionChanged}" />
           <rich:treeNode type="type1" expanded="#{node.expanded}">
           <rich:treeNode type="type2" expanded="#{node.expanded}">
           <rich:treeNode type="type3" expanded="#{node.expanded}" onclick="doSomething()">
                <!-- This node should not trigger an ajax request -->


      In the example above the last node should not trigger an ajax request but perform some client-side action instead.


      I was not able to find any hints about that in the docs.


      Any ideas?