I m having a challenge when trying to achieve the following in AS 7
1. Inject some meta data in client side EJBContext.
2. Performing some setup on server side according to the metadata from the client, BEFORE the SecurityContextInterceptor is called.
What I am trying:
1. Using the method suggested in https://community.jboss.org/message/757687
This is working fine, I can see the meta data in InvocationContext
2. Add a new SetupAction to AdditionalSetupInterceptor, which is called before SecurityContextInterceptor.
I manage to get this done by creating a new extension and subsystem.
The challenge:
When AdditionalSetupInterceptor calls SetupAction.setup(), it always pass in an empty Map, so I don't have any InvocationContext thus I dont have the metadata from the client.
My question:
Is there a way to add an interceptor before SecruityContextInterceptor? If I can do so, then I can get the metadata I need.
In general, is this SetupAction a recommended way to achieve my goal? If so, what is the intentional use of the the Map parameter in setup() and teardown() methods?
Any help is greatly appreciated. If I didnt explain anything clear, please let me know.