1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 1, 2012 8:47 PM by sfcoy

    Use older versions of Spring and Hibernate with JBOSS AS 7.1.1


      I am migrating an older EJB from JBOSS 4.2.3 to JBoss AS 7.1.1.  The EJB includes older versions of Spring and hibernate in the WEB-INF/lib directory than are included with JBoss 7.1.1.  How can I get JBoss to use these older versions than those included with JBoss.

        • 1. Re: Use older versions of Spring and Hibernate with JBOSS AS 7.1.1

          Versions of the Spring Framework between 2.5 and ~3.0.1 have problems with the VFS (virtual file system) that was introduced in JBoss 5. The good news is that historically, Spring's backward compatibility has been very good so you could probably upgrade to the very latest 3.1.x with very little impact. I don't think JBoss 7.1.x has any Spring jars buried in it.


          We deploy our applications including hibernate 3.3.x in JBoss 7 and they run just fine. I *think* the JBoss 7 hibernate implementation is actually hidden from you. It's functionality is exposed through the javax.persistence APIs. You can import the JBoss 7 version of Hibernate if you want as described in AS71 Class Loading in AS7.


          PS. You may want to move this discussion over to the JBoss AS 7 forums.