decision table matrix format
suerte Oct 17, 2012 6:02 AMHello everybody,
i'm new at jboss / drools and i got some issues.
What is the project about:
I'm studying informatics (master, cooperative) in germany. Currently, i'm on an practical semester and i'm analyzing a possible use of drools at a company project.
The customer is a logistics companie for which we are inventing an application to request the current state of a shippment. This application uses a database, in which all events to a particular shippment are stored, to build the current state of the shippment. Furthermore this application builds the new state via a state matrix decision table, which looks like this:
This means, State' = State + Event
This matrix decision table has a size of 67 x 87. The outcome of this are 5.829 possible combinations which means, 5.829 rules.
A possible way to compile this .xls into a drl string format, is using the RuleMatrixSheetListener().
But this means, that the compilation will be done by sourcecode itselfs.
Because the operating department wants to change this rules on their own, we have to swap this process out of the sourcecode. So i tried to use guvnor. And here i got the first problem. Is there a possibility to upload and compile a matrix decision table? I tried to generate a new rule by uploading this .xls as a decision table and got the error message, "Invalid column header: "S901", should be CONDITION, ACTION or attribute, in cell B13". I think that the guvnor tries to compile this matrix decision table as a normal decision table.
My second idea was to precompile the .xls via RuleMatrixSheetListener() and to save the drl string into a drl file. After that i tried to create a new package by importing the created drl file. The upload takes a lot of time to load and while compiling, i got a lot of WARN messages like this one:
"11:41:44,158 WARN [org.apache.jackrabbit.spi.commons.nodetype.constraint.ValueConstraint] (http-- validation of reference constraint is not yet implemented"
After importing i got success message but finally this error message:
"11:55:31,409 WARN [org.jboss.seam.transaction.TransactionServletListener] (http-- Error starting the transaction: javax.transaction.NotSupportedException:
BaseTransaction.checkTransactionState -ARJUNA016051: thread is already associated with a transaction!"
The package was created but i cant open it without getting an big error message. Are 5.829 rules to much be to imported into guvnor?
Could someone help me with that issue?
Thanks and Regards from Germany