4 Replies Latest reply on Nov 8, 2012 10:13 AM by lewarrior22

    Demarshalling fails on null enum value


      I just upgraded to Errai 2.1.1.Final and demarshalling null enum values fails with the NullPointerException inside of the generated marshaller. This worked in previous versions.


      A simple example:




      public enum Test {








      public class Dto {


          private Test test;


          public Dto(@MapsTo("test") Test test) {


              this.test = test;



          public Test getTest() {


              return test;




      When the Dto is instantiated like this, then demarshalling works:


      Dto dto = new Dto(A);


      However, when the Dto is instantiated like this, a NullPointerException is thrown on the client during demarshalling:


      Dto dto = new Dto(null);

        • 1. Re: Demarshalling fails on null enum value

          Thanks, Valentin. This is fixed now in the latest 2.2.0-SNAPSHOTs.

          • 2. Re: Demarshalling fails on null enum value

            Hi, Just got the same problem with int property.


            //When using this, The demarchalling Fail (Note the use of int id ), I have an Demarchalling Error; message = null and exception class is ResponseException.




            public class Account {

            private int id ;

                      private String name ;


                      private String login ;


                      private String password ;

                      private String email ;


                      private String website ;



                      public Account() {




                      public Account(int id, String name, String login, String password,

                                          String email, String website) {


                                this.id = id;

                                this.name = name;

                                this.login = login;

                                this.password = password;

                                this.email = email;

                                this.website = website;


                 //getters + setters






            //And when I use this bean everything is correct.



            * @author boris





            public class Account {

                      private String name ;


                      private String login ;


                      private String password ;

                      private String email ;


                      private String website ;



                      public Account() {

              // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub




                      public Account(int id, String name, String login, String password,

                                          String email, String website) {


                                this.name = name;

                                this.login = login;

                                this.password = password;

                                this.email = email;

                                this.website = website;



                 //getters + setters






            • 3. Re: Demarshalling fails on null enum value

              Hi Boris, does it also happen when you change your 'int' field to 'Integer'? Java primitives do not support null values and 'int a = null' will always give you a null pointer exception.





              • 4. Re: Demarshalling fails on null enum value

                Yeah, the same problem occur, event with Long and Integer. It work fine only with String values. If I can post my code here :



                publicclass Account {


                private Long id ;


                private String name ;


                private String login ;


                private String password ;

                private String email ;


                private String website ;



                public Account() {

                // TODO Auto-generated constructor stub



                public Account(Long id, String name, String login, String password,

                String email, String website) {


                this.id = id;

                this.name = name;

                this.login = login;

                this.password = password;

                this.email = email;

                this.website = website;


                //getters and setters , toString()



                //in the sample.local.share package


                public interface AccountRESTService {




                public Account create(Account account) ;





                public Account update(Account account) ;

                //others methods


                //and the implementation in the .sample.rest

                public class SimpleAccountRESTService implements AccountRESTService{



                public Account create(Account account) {

                System.out.println("Account Received From client   "+account);

                account.setName("creation success");

                return account;




                public Account update(Account account) {


                System.out.println("\n Account Received For Update client   "+account);

                account.setName("update success");

                return account;


                //others methods implementations




                //here is how .sample.client.local



                public class CreateAccountView extends Composite {






                private TextBox id ;





                private TextBox name ;


                //..others  TextBox




                private DataBinder<Account> accountDataBinder ;


                private Caller<AccountRESTService> accountRestServiceCaller ;



                public void onBtnSaveClicked(ClickEvent click){

                     //use the model to retrieve data from the form

                     Account account = accountDataBinder.getModel();

                               Window.alert("Save acount "+account+"  \n path"+RestClient.getApplicationRoot());

                          RemoteCallback<Account> remoteCallback = new RemoteCallback<Account>() {


                     public void callback(Account response) {

                          Window.alert("Account Created from server !"+response);



                ErrorCallback errorCallback = new ErrorCallback() {



                          publicboolean error(Message message, Throwable throwable) {

                               if(throwable instanceof TransportIOException){


                                    Window.alert("Could Reach the server : ["+message+"]  \n and ["+throwable+"]" );

                               }else {


                                    Window.alert("Marschalling errors ["+message+"]  \n and ["+throwable+"]" );


                               returnt rue;




                          accountRestServiceCaller.call(remoteCallback, errorCallback).create(account);

                          Account update = accountRestServiceCaller.call(remoteCallback,errorCallback).update(account)




                I have my System.out.println() in JbossAS7's console. but I can't retrieve the returned account in the remoteCallBack object. @See the errorCallBack.



                Now I waiting the version 2.2.0.SNAPSHOT been released ! And try again.

