1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 7, 2012 8:41 AM by norsay

    Arquillian Persistency Extension: Custom Types for XLS Datasets


      Hi all,


      I'm using Arquillian persistency extension with XLS datasets for my test data. Some of my entities are containing date information which is stored into a LocalTimeDate user type object as UTC time (so it's not actuially a normal java.util.Date). The user type mapping works fine and my data can be read or written correctly...


      As soon as I'm inserting data from my XLS dataset, it seems like it is handled as normal date which ends in a few hour difference. So I'd like to ensure a LocalTimeDate object is created instead of a normal Date object when test data are being inserted from XLS...


      Does anybody know this problem? Or even better, has a solution already?


      Any hints are appreciated very much!


      Cheers, norsay

        • 1. Re: Arquillian Persistency Extension: Custom Types for XLS Datasets

          I was able to solve the problem... One part of the solution was to change the cell format in my XLS to something like this 'JJJJ-MM-TTThh:mm:ss.ssZ' (in German branded Excel!). Moreover I also had to change the default time zone in my JUnit test setup to TimeZone.setDefault(TimeZone.getTimeZone("GMT") to ensure correct handling of the test cases.


          Over'n'out norsay