6 Replies Latest reply on Nov 10, 2012 5:43 PM by refon

    HornetQ 2.3.0.Beta - HornetQ Buzzing




      This is the first Beta which means we are almost at HornetQ 2.3.0.Final.



      We have gone through a long refactoring process which included adding support for maven, adding replication and also the capablity of failing back to live servers.



      We are in the process of pushing the new version to the JBoss AS7 master branch so look out for it in the next AS7 release or checkout from Github and give it a spin.



      Any feedback will be warmly welcomed.





      HornetQ is buzzing, literally, so enjoy the release, video and the music






        • 1. Re: HornetQ 2.3.0.Beta - HornetQ Buzzing

          Congratulations! I'm especially eager to try out the "Data Replication" feature.

          • 2. Re: HornetQ 2.3.0.Beta - HornetQ Buzzing

            While trying to test this new BETA1 I noticed that in both hornetq-2.3.0.BETA1-bin.zip and hornetq-2.3.0.BETA1-bin.tar.gz archives:

            • hornetq-2.3.0.BETA1/bin/ seems to miss build.sh / build.bat scripts necessary to create profiles for AS 5 / 6
            • hornetq-2.3.0.BETA1/config/jboss-as-6/ build.bat / build.sh and build.xml scripts files are also missing (unlike jboss-as-4, jboss-as-5 folders)


            I hope it is the right place to post these observations, let me know otherwise.

            • 3. Re: HornetQ 2.3.0.Beta - HornetQ Buzzing

              2.3.0 is going to be on AS7 only. At least that's te current plan. Either AS7 or standalone.

              • 4. Re: HornetQ 2.3.0.Beta - HornetQ Buzzing

                Ok! But that's too bad. I think being able to upgrade the JMS messaging implementation is all about the benefit of using standards in SOA architecture. This allows for  reletively heterogenous softwares to work together.

                For instance we could, until now, let legacy applications requiring JBOSS AS 5 seemlessly communicate with cutting edge new applications running on JBOSS AS 7 just by making sure to have the same HornetQ implementations on all sides.

                Are there any rationales behind this? I am not aware of JMS spec. version implementation change for 2.3.0 for instance, maybe I overlooked it...

                • 5. Re: HornetQ 2.3.0.Beta - HornetQ Buzzing

                  Just maintenability....     and workforce


                  I will welcome anyone making it work.. and I would even consider making it part of the codebase.


                  HornetQ is fully embeddable... we could work on the integrations for other application servers including JBoss 5 and 6.



                  I will probably fork this discussion.. it's a nice discussion but it diverged from the announcement...


                  This thread would be more to discuss about the announcement itself.. like... the music or video I made

                  • 6. Re: HornetQ 2.3.0.Beta - HornetQ Buzzing

                    Ok, understood. Thank you for the clarifications, and sorry for the digression from the announcement.


                    So about the announcement now: First of all it is a very nice quick overview and the music is great


                    The only thing I missed out upon first view (done quickly without 100% attention but  it happens more

                    often than not) were the bottom lines titles, which are key to the message you want to transmit.

                    Maybe is it me but when I look quickly at the video I tend to watch the top rather than the bottom of

                    the screen (looking at the lightning fast typing) and miss out the titles at the bottom which do not stay

                    on screen very long.


                    Just my two cents