2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 12, 2012 4:37 PM by jope

    Permanently running JBoss AS 7 on remote machine - best practices?


      What is the best way to start a JBoss AS 7 on a remote machine and keep it running?


      The documentation tells me to simply run standalone.sh. But obviously, if I do this over SSH on a remote machine, the AS gets stopped when I close the session. You can find some ways to keep a program running after you close the SSH connection, but is this really a favorable way on a productive machine? Wouldn't it be better to run it as a service? Is there a built-in way to start the AS from JBoss Tools over SSH and keep it running?


      I mean, apart from what is possible, what do you recommend, how is this done in practice for productive servers?


      Also any advice / best practices from real life about permanently running a productive JBoss AS 7 on a remote machine is appreciated. My first time actually doing this. :-)