1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 14, 2012 7:34 AM by ataylor

    Message sent information on hornetq.log


      Hello, I'm a newbie on HornetQ, actually, I'm using it because the company I work (client) uses HornetQ to send message to another system of another company (server).


      I'd like to know if the message was sent by reading the logs. Is this information available on log file?


      By reading the file on logs/hornetq.log I have this kind of message:


      [Old I/O server worker (...ip and port number...) FINEST [org.hornetq.core.security.impl.SecurityStoreImpl]  checking access permissions to jms.queue.some_config_number_OutputQueue


      [RMI TCP Connection(7)-ip-number] FINE [sun.rmi.transport.tcp]  RMI TCP Connection(7)-ip-number: accepted socket from [ip and port number]


      [RMI TCP Connection(7)-ip-number] FINER [sun.rmi.transport.tcp]  RMI TCP Connection(7)-ip-number: (port-number) suggesting ip and port number


      [RMI TCP Connection(7)-ip-number] FINER [sun.rmi.transport.tcp]  RMI TCP Connection(7)-ip-number: (port-number) client using ip and port number


      [RMI TCP Connection(7)-ip-number] FINER [sun.rmi.transport.misc]  RMI TCP Connection(7)-ip-number: getting input stream

      [RMI TCP Connection(7)-ip-number] FINER [sun.rmi.transport.misc]  RMI TCP Connection(7)-ip-number: call dispatcher


      I was guessing if the part in bold text has something to do with the sending of the message or not, by what I have read in the docs about the input stream ("..and when that message is sent, HornetQ will read the InputStream." source). Is it correct?


      How can I know if the message was sent to the server by reading the logs?








        • 1. Re: Message sent information on hornetq.log

          that message has nothing to do with HornetQ, we don't log info messages as it would kill performance. If you want to test if the message has been delivered then you should use a management console, jconsole or the AS admin console