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1. Re: Soap Over JMS: Operation Invocation
asoldano Nov 14, 2012 5:29 AM (in response to cacao)1 of 1 people found this helpfulWe provide soap-over-jms integration of Apache CXF on top of JBossAS starting from AS 7.1 / JBossWS-CXF 4:
2. Re: Soap Over JMS: Operation Invocation
cacao Nov 14, 2012 11:50 AM (in response to cacao)I followed the above article and developed a WS and deployed to EAP 6. It works fine. What else do i need to do in order to enable my client to invoke the operation and resume its flow, without waiting for a response from the WS ? I have defined a reply queue destination, but my client still waits for the WS to return a response.
3. Re: Soap Over JMS: Operation Invocation
asoldano Nov 19, 2012 6:26 AM (in response to cacao)You might consider having oneway operations. If you can't change the wsdl contract, either consider a multithread approach or directly using JMS apis.