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1. Re: Send email with Seam 3 Mail and JMS
blabno Oct 23, 2012 11:00 AM (in response to hantsy)Hantsy, cool, we've develop almost exactly the same thing:
2. Re: Send email with Seam 3 Mail and JMS
blabno Oct 25, 2012 10:27 AM (in response to hantsy)Hansy
I see that the magic is here:
public void mapStatusToQueue(@Observes @NoneBlocking EmailMessage message,
@JmsDestination(jndiName = "java:/queue/test") Queue q);Cool, but how do you get it serialzied to queue?
3. Re: Send email with Seam 3 Mail and JMS
hantsy Oct 25, 2012 11:03 PM (in response to blabno)It is provided by the Seam 3 JMS module, and bridge the CDI Event to JMS destianation.
4. Re: Send email with Seam 3 Mail and JMS
hantsy Nov 15, 2012 9:17 AM (in response to blabno) -