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1. Re: Load Balancing topic requests
wdfink Nov 15, 2012 5:59 AM (in response to of 1 people found this helpfulThis sounds to me that you should better use a 'queue' and not a 'topic' b/c the queue deliver the message only once.
2. Re: Load Balancing topic requests Nov 16, 2012 1:34 AM (in response to wdfink)Thanks for that. One addition to the query. if the topic is clustered how the load balancing happens?
3. Re: Load Balancing topic requests
wdfink Nov 16, 2012 7:00 AM (in response to Proxy at client side is responsible for the LB, I'm not 100% sure ATM how it works I suppose it will be RoundRobin if you use the same proxy without new lookup.
But in case of a topic it is not relevant because a topic must be delivered to all members in a cluster b/c it must be delivered to all listeners.