7 Replies Latest reply on Nov 22, 2012 10:30 AM by ctomc

    some problem when I start as7 with domain



          I have get problem today. when I start as7 in domain, It seems like not start completely from console information(pic 1).

      http://localhost:8080 and http://localhost:9990 is not avaliable.

      but, it runs success on linux,also standalone runs ok on windows and linux.

      is there something forbid with my computer.


      ps: domain run ok on my computer with version jboss-as-7.1.1.Final.

           but domain can't start completely with version jboss-as-7.1.4.Final-SNAPSHOT  and jboss-eap-6.

        • 1. Re: some problem when I start as7 with domain

          Works for me (Win7-64, JDK 7). After that comes


          [Host Controller] 10:40:01,852 INFO  [org.jboss.as.host.controller] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS010922: Starting server server-one

          10:40:01,862 INFO  [org.jboss.as.process.Server:server-one.status] (ProcessController-threads - 3) JBAS012017: Starting process 'Server:server-one'

          [Host Controller] 10:40:01,917 INFO  [org.jboss.as.host.controller] (Controller Boot Thread) JBAS010922: Starting server server-two



          Have you made any modifications to the configuration?

          • 2. Re: some problem when I start as7 with domain



            what version of windows are you runing?





            • 3. Re: some problem when I start as7 with domain

              my os is Microsoft Window XP Professional Version 2002 Service Pack 3, is there something wrong with this version, the jboss eap6 domain start

              is still have the problem what I describe.


              add: OS name: "windows xp", version: "5.1", arch: "x86", family: "windows"

              • 4. Re: some problem when I start as7 with domain



                there was one other report that running in domain on windows XP just freezes without any messages.

                But we waren't able to reproduce this error in many scenenarios we tried


                My latest test was running Windows XP SP3 (all updates installed) with sun java 6u30 and it worked.


                can you provide bit more information what are you doing in how. especily i would like to know more about your instalation.

                Do you have any antivirus/antimalware/antispyware/firewall/ids software installed?

                How is windows firewall configured?

                Can you stop all of this services and try if works then?




                • 5. Re: some problem when I start as7 with domain



                  also can you provide a thread dump when freeze ocures. you can do that with ctrl-break or connect with jconsole and trigger it.






                  • 6. Re: some problem when I start as7 with domain

                    first, thank you for keep an eye on my question.

                    after see you reply, I have try to solve that problem with several hours, but freezes happened everytime.

                    I tried this operation:

                    change sun java 6u16 to 6u34 and 7,

                    close the firewall,

                    set empty to the file in C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc\hosts.

                    exit the antivirus service.


                    when I type ctrl+c to stop the freezes of domain, it show some message, like this on my computer (jboss-eap6):


                    some other instalation on my computer is the common tools, not sure which affect jboss domain start, or maybe have other reason (system/jboss...).

                    same jboss eap6 runs domain on windows7 is ok, it's really confused for me.

                    if you can telnet my computer to have a look.....^_^


                    add:  because I have modified the jboss web console source code,so I test them in standalone and domain, while I saw standalone runs ok, I run domain.bat next,

                    and this problem appeared for me.

                    • 7. Re: some problem when I start as7 with domain



                      yeah issue is windows xp only on all newer (and still supported) versions of windows it works wihtout any issues...


                      can you produce some thread dump? if ctrl-break (not ctrl-c) does not work for you can you try with jstack a tool that comes with jdk instalation


                      you can use by calling jstack <process id of java.exe that runs domain>

                      you can get all process id of running javas by runing "jps"


                      as there might be many, can you just get thread dump for all of them?


