0 Replies Latest reply on Nov 19, 2012 7:59 AM by willemnoorduin

    directories for servers in domain mode


      When I start a domain-mode in JBoss 7 with two servers ha-server-1 and ha-server-2 (running on the same server), I end up with a directory structure of:


      root@server:$profile_home# tree servers


      ├── servers

      │   ├── ha-server-1

      │   │   ├── data

      │   │   │   ├── content

      │   │   │   │   └── 4d

      │   │   │   │       └── 5861b3f225e7c51b20beabbc88e7970ee4b652

      │   │   │   │           └── content

      │   │   │   ├── infinispan

      │   │   │   │   └── web

      │   │   │   │       ├── default-host

      │   │   │   │       │   └── clusterjsp

      │   │   │   │       └── repl

      │   │   │   ├── timer-service-data

      │   │   │   └── tx-object-store

      │   │   │       └── ShadowNoFileLockStore

      │   │   │           └── defaultStore

      │   │   ├── log

      │   │   │   ├── boot.log

      │   │   │   └── server.log

      │   │   └── tmp

      │   │       ├── vfs

      │   │       │   └── tempfd2007c4a6bc4b

      │   │       │       └── content-f1cc098e57784d49

      │   │       │           ├── ClearSession.jsp

      │   │       │           ├── HaJsp.jsp

      │   │       │           ├── META-INF

      │   │       │           │   └── MANIFEST.MF

      │   │       │           └── WEB-INF

      │   │       │               ├── sun-web.xml

      │   │       │               └── web.xml

      │   │       └── work

      │   │           └── jboss.web

      │   │               └── default-host

      │   │                   ├── _

      │   │                   └── clusterjsp

      │   └── ha-server-2

      │       ├── data

      │       │   ├── content

      │       │   │   └── 4d

      │       │   │       └── 5861b3f225e7c51b20beabbc88e7970ee4b652

      │       │   │           └── content

      │       │   ├── infinispan

      │       │   │   └── web

      │       │   │       ├── default-host

      │       │   │       │   └── clusterjsp

      │       │   │       └── repl

      │       │   ├── timer-service-data

      │       │   └── tx-object-store

      │       │       └── ShadowNoFileLockStore

      │       │           └── defaultStore

      │       ├── log

      │       │   ├── boot.log

      │       │   └── server.log

      │       └── tmp

      │           ├── vfs

      │           │   └── temp943ee0e6d3289e75

      │           │       └── content-348e5201d66a08db

      │           │           ├── ClearSession.jsp

      │           │           ├── HaJsp.jsp

      │           │           ├── META-INF

      │           │           │   └── MANIFEST.MF

      │           │           └── WEB-INF

      │           │               ├── sun-web.xml

      │           │               └── web.xml

      │           └── work

      │               └── jboss.web

      │                   └── default-host

      │                       ├── _

      │                       └── clusterjsp


      Where I deployed a clusterjsp.war by use of the admin GUI: Questions are:


      • Which jboss propetry (the variables jboss.etc.etc) must I use to set the path of the created hosts (for example, I want /apps/jboss/profiles/ha-server-1 and /apps/jboss/profiles/ha-server-2 instead of the $profile_home/servers directory with as it's subdircetory the host names ?
      • Can I use a deployment scanner in the domain.xml such that I can refrain from using the admin-GUI, or must the deployment be done via jboss-cli.sh ?