1 2 Previous Next 15 Replies Latest reply on Apr 19, 2002 7:50 AM by jfifield

    Unable to parse EJB-QL



      Is there any reason why this query should not work?

      SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM CalendarEvent AS o
      WHERE o.user.id = ?1 AND
      o.startDate >= ?2 AND o.startDate <= ?3

      I get a deployment exception with the message "Unable to parse EJB-QL". I am using jboss 3 beta (02/21).

      Specifically, it is the date comparisons it does not like. If I remove the third parameter and change the second to an =, it works fine.

      Thanks for your help!


        • 1. Re: Unable to parse EJB-QL

          Just a shot...but do you have the query in a CDATA
          section? If not, the parser is probably getting
          erros trying to parse the greater than/less than

          SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM CalendarEvent AS o
          WHERE o.user.id = ?1 AND
          o.startDate >= ?2 AND o.startDate <= ?3


          • 2. Re: Unable to parse EJB-QL

            Yes. Sorry, I should have mentioned that. Here is the whole section:

             <![CDATA[SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM CalendarEvent AS o
             WHERE o.user.id = ?1 AND o.startDate >= ?2 AND o.startDate <= ?3]]>


            • 3. Re: Unable to parse EJB-QL

              Did you have any luck sorting out this problem?

              I have a similar piece of EJB-QL:


              And I get the same error...

              org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Unable to parse EJB-QL: SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM RESERVATIONS AS o WHERE o.BOOKING_REF = ?1

              Can anybody help. I am using the 3.0.0 beta distribution.


              Chris Mein

              • 4. Re: Unable to parse EJB-QL

                Sorry incorrect name, and an incorrect post!

                However I am now having the following problem... with the following declaration

                <ejb-ql><![CDATA[SELECT OBJECT(o) FROM ReservationsBean AS o WHERE o.reservationId = ?1]]></ejb-ql>

                I get the following generated SQL:


                The problem is I wanted an object back not a list of the primary key values.

                What am I doing wrong this time, and I don't think its the spelling.


                • 5. Re: Unable to parse EJB-QL

                  First: No, I haven't solved my problem yet :( If anyone has any insight into the problem described in the first message, I would be most grateful.

                  Second: I was under the impression that a finder normally selected primary keys, then the container returns a collection of component interfaces matching those pk's. Last I knew, executing a finder and looping through the results meant n + 1 SELECT's. The container may do optimization in this area, not sure though. Maybe someone else has a better idea...


                  • 6. Re: Unable to parse EJB-QL

                    I have the same problem IF I don't put the security
                    JBoss can't parse my query.


                    <use-caller-identity />

                    <method-params />
                    <![CDATA[ SELECT DISTINCT OBJECT(p) FROM Pessoa As p

                    • 7. Re: Unable to parse EJB-QL

                      Thanks for the idea, but unfortunately still getting the same error :( I'll keep working on it!


                      • 8. Re: Unable to parse EJB-QL

                        Ok, I got a little more info. I checked out and built the newest from CVS (4/13) and tried it again. I got the same error, but with a more descriptive message:

                        org.jboss.deployment.DeploymentException: Error compiling ejbql; - nested throwable is: org.jboss.ejb.plugins.cmp.ejbql.ParseException: Encountered ">=" at line 3, column 57.
                        Was expecting one of:
                        ">" ...
                        "<" ...
                        "=" ...
                        "<>" ...

                        Well, this tells me for sure it's unhappy about the ">=", and sure enough, replacing the ">=" and "<=" with ">" and "<" works great. But why doesn't it accept ">=" and "<="? I may be misinterpreting the EJB2 spec, but it seems that ">=" and "<=" should in fact be legal.

                        Can anyone shed some light on this situation? Thanks!


                        • 9. Re: Unable to parse EJB-QL

                          Did you find any solutions for this? I see the same error if I have where clause in my EJB-QL. I tried to re-write the query several times, but continued to get this error. However, if I remove the where clause in my EJB-QL, I don't see this error.

                          To overcome this, I am using declared sql and that works fine.


                          • 10. Re: Unable to parse EJB-QL

                            Nope, no solutions yet. Unfortunately I haven't had alot of time to do any more work on it in the last couple of days.


                            • 11. Re: Unable to parse EJB-QL

                              I have the same problem with parsing due deploying.
                              I need to pass paramether as pattern for next searching. I am interesting in sending
                              different kinds of patterns into SQL-line (with "=", "<", " LIKE '...' " and so on).
                              I have tried to do something like that (in ejb-jar.xml file)

                              <ejb-ql>![CDATA[select OBJECT(p) from PmInfoPrimary p where p.tin like ?1]]</ejb-ql>

                              but got "Unable to parse EJB-QL" error due deploying.

                              I have tried another variants of ? paramether:

                              select OBJECT(p) from PmInfoPrimary p where p.tin ?1 -- does not work (error due deploying);
                              select OBJECT(p) from PmInfoPrimary p where p.tin = ?1 -- work correctly (deploying - ok, using - ok);
                              select OBJECT(p) from PmInfoPrimary p where p.tin like ?1 -- does not work (error due deploying);
                              select OBJECT(p) from PmInfoPrimary p where p.tin like '?1' -- deploying was ok, but I can't got any data from bean using this line (in case where pattern was '%my_str%, for example);

                              I have tried using <ejb-ql> block paramethers without " ![CDATA ..." and result was the same.

                              I am very interesting in using LIKE inside my <ejb-ql> block, but I can not find any decision in my problem.

                              I am using the 3.0.0 beta distribution.

                              Can anyone help please. Thanx a lot for advice.

                              • 12. Re: Unable to parse EJB-QL

                                I'm not sure, but I had this error and, to correct it, I had to declare the query-method in the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml too. To see how to do this, go to this thread : http://main.jboss.org/thread.jsp?forum=46&thread=13142


                                • 13. Re: Unable to parse EJB-QL

                                  I'll try to clear up all of the problems that I can remember from the posts.

                                  date types can't use the >= or <= opperators. Use the >, < and = opperators in multiple ands. Yes this sucks. Maybe I'll >= and <= support to jboss-ql

                                  parameters in like: use jboss-ql, which is defined in the jbosscmp-jdbc.xml file. The specification looks exactally like ejb-ql except it is called jboss-ql.

                                  Also, everyone upgrade to the RC1 release. I have fixed soooo many bugs.

                                  • 14. Re: Unable to parse EJB-QL

                                    How do I upgrade to RC1? I couldn't find any information in the downloads section... I have jboss3.0.0 beta installed.


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