1 2 3 Previous Next 31 Replies Latest reply on Nov 28, 2012 8:49 AM by ctomc

    Axis ClassCastException




      I'm having some problems with axis on Jboss AS 7.


      I have this error when consuming an external web service.

                java.lang.ClassCastException: org.apache.axis.attachments.AttachmentsImpl cannot be cast to org.apache.axis.attachments.Attachments


      After read other posts about this subject, I tried to move the "axis.jar" from my "lib" folder in the project to "JbossHome/standalone/lib/ext/". The error changed, but Jboss was no more able to load axis.


      Do anyone knows what I'm doing wrong, or what I have to do for axis to work in Jboss ???




      Thanks in advance,


        • 1. Re: Axis ClassCastException

          Unless you're using something extremely Axis specific, you do not need it at all.


          JBoss AS 7.x (and many of its predecessors) contains complete JAX-RPC and JAX-WS web service client and server implementations.

          1 of 1 people found this helpful
          • 2. Re: Axis ClassCastException

            Thanks Stephen for your help, but unfortunately that didn't solve my problem.


            When I remove axis.jar from my project, I got this error:  ERROR - The method @ doesn't exists in the class @ or its execution is not allowed by reflect.


            This is the complete stacktrace, I don't get anything else.


            Thanks again.

            • 3. Re: Axis ClassCastException



              can you post output of

              jar tf <name-of-your-deployment>

              this will show us structure of your application.





              • 4. Re: Axis ClassCastException

                Sorry Tomaz, but I can't do that. I can't share any project details or code or I can lose my job, sorry

                But, I really apreciate you trying to help me, thanks.


                So, I did a litle more debug on the error and I found out, that this error:


                Luís Oliveira wrote:


                When I remove axis.jar from my project, I got this error:  ERROR - The method @ doesn't exists in the class @ or its execution is not allowed by reflect.




                happens in this line:


                    private static org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc typeDesc =

                        new org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc(MYCLASS.class, true);



                • 5. Re: Axis ClassCastException

                  it is not code just strucutre but i understand your concerns.


                  can you then just post names of all jar you have in lib folder(s) of your application and exclude all "your" jars, that i think would not be to delicate to share.





                  • 6. Re: Axis ClassCastException

                    This is the list of the folder where are all the jars deployed to the server:


                    04-01-2007  16:06           358.273 antlr.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06            62.694 avalon-framework-cvs-20020806.jar

                    15-05-2006  14:21            73.729 avalon-framework.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06         2.111.580 batik.jar

                    24-10-2012  19:57           608.376 c3p0-

                    04-01-2007  16:06         1.137.993 castor-0.9.3.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06            81.171 commons-beanutils.jar

                    18-10-2012  19:50           575.389 commons-collections-3.2.1.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06            93.903 commons-digester.jar

                    18-10-2012  20:00            79.796 commons-discovery-0.5.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06            22.379 commons-fileupload.jar

                    15-10-2012  15:48           225.626 commons-httpclient.jar

                    05-03-2008  12:17            20.357 commons-logging.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06            28.755 commons-validator.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06            24.289 CompressFilter.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06         1.519.742 fop.jar

                    20-03-2007  10:10         1.841.952 itext-1.4.5.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06            76.590 jakarta-oro-2.0.2-dev-1.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06            25.429 jakarta-regexp-1.3.jar

                    10-01-2007  10:02             7.233 jax-qname.jar

                    10-01-2007  10:02            88.776 jaxb-api.jar

                    24-10-2012  20:22           310.058 jaxb-impl.jar

                    10-01-2007  10:02         1.798.203 jaxb-libs.jar

                    10-01-2007  10:02         3.082.021 jaxb-xjc.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06            27.052 jaxp-api.jar

                    03-03-2008  18:04            23.630 jsr173_1.0_api.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06         1.412.487 ojdbc14_g.jar

                    23-10-2012  19:17           449.649 org.springframework.core-3.1.2.RELEASE.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06           802.178 poi-2.5.1.jar

                    23-10-2012  11:49           561.205 quartz-2.1.6.jar

                    10-01-2007  10:02            23.498 relaxngDatatype.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06            26.206 sax.jar

                    26-03-2008  18:12           233.655 SQE.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06           498.051 struts.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06         1.031.036 xalan-2.4.1.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06           720.930 xalan.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06            38.100 xalanj1compat.jar

                    03-03-2008  18:04         2.666.926 xbean.jar

                    03-03-2008  18:04             7.015 xbean_xpath.jar

                    04-01-2007  16:06           113.749 xml-apis.jar

                    03-03-2008  18:04             2.500 xmlbeans-qname.jar

                    03-03-2008  18:04           428.320 xmlpublic.jar

                    10-01-2007  10:02           536.818 xsdlib.jar



                    i think this is what you are asking.

                    • 7. Re: Axis ClassCastException

                      Is there a way for me to force Jboss to use my "axis.jar" and ignore it's own libraries without having the conflict that I had initially?

                      • 8. Re: Axis ClassCastException

                        drop about all xml libs you can find from the deployment ;-) and all drivers jars and connection pool jars. If you really need to, you can filter modules with the jboss-deployment-structure.xml but it should be sparingly used.

                        • 9. Re: Axis ClassCastException

                          Nicklas Karlsson wrote:


                          drop about all xml libs you can find from the deployment ;-) and all drivers jars and connection pool jars. If you really need to, you can filter modules with the jboss-deployment-structure.xml but it should be sparingly used.


                          This makes sense, but has something to do with the error? Doesn't seem like.

                          • 10. Re: Axis ClassCastException

                            comments inline:

                            Luís Oliveira wrote:


                            This is the list of the folder where are all the jars deployed to the server:


                            04-01-2007  16:06           358.273 antlr.jar

                            04-01-2007  16:06            62.694 avalon-framework-cvs-20020806.jar

                            15-05-2006  14:21            73.729 avalon-framework.jar

                            04-01-2007  16:06         2.111.580 batik.jar

                            24-10-2012  19:57           608.376 c3p0- --> remove

                            04-01-2007  16:06         1.137.993 castor-0.9.3.jar

                            04-01-2007  16:06            81.171 commons-beanutils.jar

                            18-10-2012  19:50           575.389 commons-collections-3.2.1.jar

                            04-01-2007  16:06            93.903 commons-digester.jar

                            18-10-2012  20:00            79.796 commons-discovery-0.5.jar

                            04-01-2007  16:06            22.379 commons-fileupload.jar

                            15-10-2012  15:48           225.626 commons-httpclient.jar

                            05-03-2008  12:17            20.357 commons-logging.jar --> should probably be removed

                            04-01-2007  16:06            28.755 commons-validator.jar

                            04-01-2007  16:06            24.289 CompressFilter.jar

                            04-01-2007  16:06         1.519.742 fop.jar

                            20-03-2007  10:10         1.841.952 itext-1.4.5.jar

                            04-01-2007  16:06            76.590 jakarta-oro-2.0.2-dev-1.jar

                            04-01-2007  16:06            25.429 jakarta-regexp-1.3.jar

                            10-01-2007  10:02             7.233 jax-qname.jar --> remove

                            10-01-2007  10:02            88.776 jaxb-api.jar --> remove

                            24-10-2012  20:22           310.058 jaxb-impl.jar --> remove

                            10-01-2007  10:02         1.798.203 jaxb-libs.jar --> remove

                            10-01-2007  10:02         3.082.021 jaxb-xjc.jar --> remove

                            04-01-2007  16:06            27.052 jaxp-api.jar --> remove

                            03-03-2008  18:04            23.630 jsr173_1.0_api.jar --> remove

                            04-01-2007  16:06         1.412.487 ojdbc14_g.jar --> remove, jdbc driver should be configured server wide not as part of your app

                            23-10-2012  19:17           449.649 org.springframework.core-3.1.2.RELEASE.jar

                            04-01-2007  16:06           802.178 poi-2.5.1.jar

                            23-10-2012  11:49           561.205 quartz-2.1.6.jar

                            10-01-2007  10:02            23.498 relaxngDatatype.jar --> probably not needed

                            04-01-2007  16:06            26.206 sax.jar --> probably not needed

                            26-03-2008  18:12           233.655 SQE.jar

                            04-01-2007  16:06           498.051 struts.jar

                            04-01-2007  16:06         1.031.036 xalan-2.4.1.jar --> probably not needed, and you have duplicate versions

                            04-01-2007  16:06           720.930 xalan.jar --> probably not needed

                            04-01-2007  16:06            38.100 xalanj1compat.jar --> probably not needed

                            03-03-2008  18:04         2.666.926 xbean.jar --> probably not needed

                            03-03-2008  18:04             7.015 xbean_xpath.jar --> probably not needed

                            04-01-2007  16:06           113.749 xml-apis.jar --> probably not needed

                            03-03-2008  18:04             2.500 xmlbeans-qname.jar --> probably not needed

                            03-03-2008  18:04           428.320 xmlpublic.jar --> probably not needed

                            10-01-2007  10:02           536.818 xsdlib.jar



                            i think this is what you are asking.

                            1 of 1 people found this helpful
                            • 11. Re: Axis ClassCastException

                              Thanks Tomaz.


                              I did what you recommended and I have to say that it was a great help. Thanks for the trouble. Now I have:


                              04-01-2007  16:06           358.273 antlr.jar

                              04-01-2007  16:06            62.694 avalon-framework-cvs-20020806.jar

                              15-05-2006  14:21            73.729 avalon-framework.jar

                              04-01-2007  16:06         2.111.580 batik.jar

                              04-01-2007  16:06         1.137.993 castor-0.9.3.jar

                              04-01-2007  16:06            81.171 commons-beanutils.jar

                              18-10-2012  19:50           575.389 commons-collections-3.2.1.jar

                              04-01-2007  16:06            93.903 commons-digester.jar

                              18-10-2012  20:00            79.796 commons-discovery-0.5.jar

                              04-01-2007  16:06            22.379 commons-fileupload.jar

                              15-10-2012  15:48           225.626 commons-httpclient.jar

                              04-01-2007  16:06            28.755 commons-validator.jar

                              04-01-2007  16:06            24.289 CompressFilter.jar

                              15-10-2012  15:48           172.845 concurrent.jar

                              04-01-2007  16:06         1.519.742 fop.jar

                              04-01-2007  16:06           444.119 grnds-for-struts1.1.jar

                              04-01-2007  16:06            66.692 grnds-taglib.jar

                              04-01-2007  16:06           154.164 grnds-web.jar

                              20-03-2007  10:10         1.841.952 itext-1.4.5.jar

                              04-01-2007  16:06            76.590 jakarta-oro-2.0.2-dev-1.jar

                              04-01-2007  16:06            25.429 jakarta-regexp-1.3.jar

                              23-10-2012  19:17           449.649 org.springframework.core-3.1.2.RELEASE.jar

                              04-01-2007  16:06           802.178 poi-2.5.1.jar

                              23-10-2012  11:49           561.205 quartz-2.1.6.jar

                              26-03-2008  18:12           233.655 SQE.jar

                              04-01-2007  16:06           498.051 struts.jar

                              27-11-2012  10:10            38.100 xalanj1compat.jar

                              10-01-2007  10:02           536.818 xsdlib.jar


                              But that don't solve my problem.

                              I still got the error:


                              this error:


                              When I remove axis.jar from my project, I got this error:  ERROR - The method @ doesn't exists in the class @ or its execution is not allowed by reflect.


                              in this line:


                                  private static org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc typeDesc =

                                      new org.apache.axis.description.TypeDesc(MYCLASS.class, true);


                              • 12. Re: Axis ClassCastException

                                Can you show the complete stacktrace?

                                • 13. Re: Axis ClassCastException

                                  This is the complete stacktrace. I don't get anything else. :S



                                  I'm getting suspicious about the use of "MYCLASS.class". Because the error indicates that some class may not exist or be call with reflection.


                                  I verified and the class exists in a jar deployed with the application. So, maybe, the problem is when calling this class using reflection "MYCLASS.class".

                                  • 14. Re: Axis ClassCastException

                                    Can you attach the source and place a breakpoint there? There is probably an underlying exception being swallowed.

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