1 Reply Latest reply on Nov 27, 2012 9:45 AM by tunggad

    seam 2.3 ui:include and NPE with conditional rendering


      hi guys,


      we are migration an old seam application (seam 2.2, jsf 1.2, jboss 5.1) to jboss 7.1 (seam 2.3, jsf 2.0) and facing the following problem:


      The webapp has some central, big xhtml template which are composed by including many other small templates. These small templates are conditional rendered, wrapped in <s:fragment> tags. With seam 2.2 and jsf 1.2 all that works fine, but now, its seems that Faceslets tries to render all these templates although the conditions for them to be rendered dont apply --> NPE when evaluatiing the ELs of these templates


      is any someone else also suffering from this problem?

        • 1. Re: seam 2.3 ui:include and NPE with conditional rendering

          I have looked abit preciser at the EL Expressions where the NPE was thrown and seen one common thing that they all sharing, these EL Expressions are values of <ui:repeat> or <a:repeat>. I have tried to put them somewhere else (as value of h:outputText) then they are not evaluated to NPE, very strange!