2 Replies Latest reply on Nov 28, 2012 10:04 AM by ctomc

    why use gwt to develop web console in as7


      who can tell me why use gwt to develop web console in as7? and which framework of gwt are there use in design.

      thank you!

        • 1. Re: why use gwt to develop web console in as7

          Because many many people are using it, although I dislike it.

          • 2. Re: why use gwt to develop web console in as7

            Admin console is "client-only" web application and does not have any special server-side support for running it.


            console uses ajax calls to call managment operations directly on top of embeded web server AS uses to serve management and admin console.

            so we have no need for any servlet or similar support on serverside, that is avalible for users via web subsystem but core infrastructure is designed in a way to be as small as possible and have as little dependancies as possible.



