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1. Re: RichFaces changing the css of adminstrative menu of eXo Platform
kenfinni Nov 30, 2012 6:18 AM (in response to components from RichFaces are you using that cause the problem?
Can you post a sample portlet that causes the problem?
Also, what version of eXo Platform are you using, and which version of GateIn does it use?
2. Re: RichFaces changing the css of adminstrative menu of eXo Platform Dec 1, 2012 6:25 PM (in response to kenfinni)First of all, thanks for your attention
Here is the portlet
I'm testing on eXo Platform 3.0.10 with JBoss 5.1 and JBoss EPP 5.2.2
Here the images with what are happening
See the administrative menu
I'm using this component
3. Re: RichFaces changing the css of adminstrative menu of eXo Platform
kenfinni Dec 3, 2012 12:51 PM (in response to'm not sure why that's happening.
If your company is an eXo/Red Hat customer, I'd recommend creating a support case for it