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1. Re: Help!Internel error occured when installing jbdevstudio-product-universal-5.0.0.v20120615-1714-H213-GA
dgolovin Aug 29, 2012 12:38 PM (in response to maimu)It seems cannot install JBDS from location named in national language. Could you try to move it to different location with engish name and try it again.
2. Re: Help!Internel error occured when installing jbdevstudio-product-universal-5.0.0.v20120615-1714-H213-GA
maimu Aug 30, 2012 1:18 AM (in response to dgolovin)Great!I Move it to a location with english name and it works very well!
Thanks very much,I think it is available to people who use Chinese language or in the same case.
Thank you again and have a nice day.
3. Re: Help!Internel error occured when installing jbdevstudio-product-universal-5.0.0.v20120615-1714-H213-GA
vessosa Dec 4, 2012 1:25 PM (in response to maimu)I just discover what is happening, you CAN install it in any locale of Windows XP. From my another post:
This is happening because JBoss installer can't deal with foreign characters, to fix it, just follow these steps:
- first off all, create an temp folder like c:\temp
- go to installation path and execute the installer with the parameter:
java -jar jbdevstudio-product-universal-5.0.0.v20120615-1714-H213-GA.jar
Just follow the steps and its done!