0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 5, 2012 4:56 AM by zurikacitadze

    Jboss - 5.1.0.GA jax-ws client time out problem


      I have write jax-ws web service client. I want to set jax-ws connectiontimeout. I try to set time out there methods


      1. ((BindingProvider) soap).getRequestContext().put("com.sun.xml.internal.ws.connect.timeout",  1000);    not working.


      alse i try there methods.


      ((BindingProvider) soap).getRequestContext().getRequestContext().put("org.jboss.ws.timeout", 10000); 


      there methods working, my timeout is 10000=10 seconds, but i get exception 30000=30 seconds.



      this problem i have only in jboss 5.1, other such as tomcat, standalone main client i have no problem.