1. Re: Discovered problem in Windows batch file.
adinn Dec 5, 2012 4:47 AM (in response to telecastravinsky)Hi Kenji,
Thanks for reporting this problem. I think it is probably my IDE which caused the problem (I should have viewed the files from emacs -- it is smart enough to leave DOS format files alone). I am preparing a new Byteman release (2.1.1) so I will return the line endings to CR LF before pushing it to Maven Central.
Andrew Dinn
2. Re: Discovered problem in Windows batch file.
telecastravinsky Dec 5, 2012 5:09 AM (in response to adinn)Hi Andrew,
I am preparing a new Byteman release (2.1.1) so I will return the line endings to CR LF before pushing it to Maven Central.
Thank you!
Kenji Suzuki
3. Re: Discovered problem in Windows batch file.
adinn Dec 5, 2012 8:24 AM (in response to telecastravinsky)Hi Kenji,
I just looked at my latest SNAPSHOT build and the .bat file in th egit tree are still in DOS format. The problem seems to be with the way the file is inserted into the download zip archive by maven. I am looking at this now.
Andrew Dinn
4. Re: Discovered problem in Windows batch file.
telecastravinsky Dec 5, 2012 9:01 AM (in response to adinn)Hi Andrew,
I just looked at my latest SNAPSHOT build and the .bat file in th egit tree are still in DOS format
Was unexpected.
maybe problem is solved by changing the xml of maven-assembly-plugin
(element <lineEnding/> => <lineEnding>keep</lineEnding>)
Kenji Suzuki
5. Re: Discovered problem in Windows batch file.
adinn Dec 5, 2012 9:20 AM (in response to adinn)Hi Kenji,
The problem was in the maven assembly defintiions for the zip downloads (BYTEMAN-227). I have fixed this for the 2.2.1 release whcih I am now preparing.
Andrew Dinn
6. Re: Discovered problem in Windows batch file.
telecastravinsky Dec 5, 2012 9:37 AM (in response to adinn)Hi Andrew,
The problem was in the maven assembly defintiions for the zip downloads (BYTEMAN-227). I have fixed this for the 2.2.1 release whcih I am now preparing.
I see.
Kenji Suzuki