0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 5, 2012 10:41 AM by ctanurkov

    Some RichFaces component non-responsive after ajax requests in IE


      We are using RichFaces 4.2.3.Final and also tried the below functionality with 4.3.0.SNAPSHOT as of December 4th, 2012. Our application server is JBoss 7 and browsers utilized by our users are IE8 and IE9. The below issue is not a problem in Chrome, however using IE browser is our users' policy which we can not change.


      When using 4.2.3.Final version, after submitting ajax requests with a4j:commandButton, some RichFaces components become non-responsive, specifically rich:tabPanel and rich:collapsibleSubTable. With 4.3.0.SNAPTHOT, tabPanel works but collapsibleSubTable still doesn't. I have attached aj4 log for the request, as you can see at the very end there is an error:


      warn [10:24:09.640]: richfaces.queue: ajax submit error

      error[10:24:09.642]: Received 'error@malformedXML' event from <input id=inputForm:submitButton ...>

      error[10:24:09.645]: [200] undefined: undefined

      info [10:24:09.646]: Received 'complete' event from <input id=inputForm:submitButton ...>


      I don't see this error when using Chrome, and things work there, therefore I assume it is related to the problem.


      Things work fine in IE if we change a4j:commandButton to h:commandButton, e.g. the request is not ajax based and refreshes the page. They also will start working if after request I refresh the entire page.


      I wonder if this is this a known issue and if there is any plans on fixing this, as we are going to production soon and keep using snapshot version or not using ajax calls will not be an option for us.


      Thank you,

