3 Replies Latest reply on Dec 6, 2012 9:18 AM by kcbabo

    WSDL needed for "soap-binding bind-service"



          My question is related to switchyard Forge plugin. Considering the following service:


      [testApp] testApp $ switchyard show-config



      service: myService

         interface: inherited



      component: myService

         service: myService

            interface: org.test.myService



      Test generated with "switchyard create-service-test --serviceName myService" command run sucessfully and now I want to publish this service as a SOAP endpoint. My understanding is that I need to run the following commands:


      project install-facet switchyard.soap

      soap-binding bind-service --serviceName myService --wsdl wsdl/myService.wsdl


      But "--wsdl" is an input parameter y no the file to generate, so question is: How can I generate WSDL file from switchyard service definition?



      Best regards,
