0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 6, 2012 11:16 AM by crytek

    Need HornetQ bridge clarifications




      I've made some hq bridge tests and it seems that it behaves different depending when the queue consumers are registered and connections started.



      -2 cluster nodes (node1 and node2), using broadcast-discovery groups.


      a.) On node1:

           - define a simple jms queue:  SourceQ1  (cli command:  /subsystem=messaging/hornetq-server=default/jms-queue=SourceQ1/:add(entries=["java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/SourceQ1"]))

           - define a simple hq core bridge name "my-simple-bridge" which uses the cluster discovery group in order to divert messages from SourceQ1 from this node to the TargetQ1 on node2:

                (Cli Command : /subsystem=messaging/hornetq-server=default/bridge=my-simple-bridge:add(queue-name=jms.queue.SourceQ1, forwarding-address=jms.queue.TargetQ1, retry-interval=10000,                                    ha=false, discovery-group-name=dg-group1, use-duplicate-detection=true, user=AppUser, password=tint252, failover-on-server-shutdown=true)


      b.) On node2:

           - define a simple jms queue:  TargetQ1  (cli command:  /subsystem=messaging/hornetq-server=default/jms-queue=TargetQ1/:add(entries=["java:jboss/exported/jms/queue/TargetQ1"]))




      ConnectionFactory connFactory1 = (ConnectionFactory) initialContext0


                  Queue sourceQueue = (Queue) initialContext0.lookup("jms/queue/SourceQ1");


                 ConnectionFactory connFactory2 = (ConnectionFactory) initialContext1


                  Queue targetQueue = (Queue) initialContext1.lookup("jms/queue/TargetQ1");


                  connection1 = connFactory1.createConnection(APPLICATIONREALM_USER,


                  connection2 = connFactory2.createConnection(APPLICATIONREALM_USER,



                  Session session1 = (Session) connection1.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

                  Session session2 = (Session) connection2.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);





                  MessageProducer producer = session1.createProducer(sourceQueue);

                  MessageConsumer consumer1 = session1.createConsumer(sourceQueue);

                  MessageConsumer consumer2 = session2.createConsumer(targetQueue);


                  TextMessage txtMsg = null;

                  int sentMsgsNo = 10;


                  for (int i = 0; i < sentMsgsNo; i++) {

                      txtMsg = session1.createTextMessage("Message walks on bridge...");



                  System.out.println("Producer sent messages.");


                  System.out.println("Wait for bridge to divert messages to destination queue ...");



                  TextMessage dummyResponse = null;

                  int consumer1MsgsNo = 0;

                  int consumer2MsgsNo = 0;


                  while ((dummyResponse = (TextMessage) consumer1.receive(4000)) != null) {

                      System.out.println("SourceQueue consumer received message: "

                              + dummyResponse.getText());




                  while ((dummyResponse = (TextMessage) consumer2.receive(4000)) != null) {

                      System.out.println("DestinationQueue consumer received message: "

                              + dummyResponse.getText());





      In this scenario, if consumer1  is registered and connection1 started before sending the messages,  then at the end of the test,  consumer1 will receive 5 messages, and consumer2 5 messages.


      But in scenario2,



      ConnectionFactory connFactory1 = (ConnectionFactory) initialContext0


                  Queue sourceQueue = (Queue) initialContext0.lookup("jms/queue/SourceQ1");


                 ConnectionFactory connFactory2 = (ConnectionFactory) initialContext1


                  Queue targetQueue = (Queue) initialContext1.lookup("jms/queue/TargetQ1");


                  connection1 = connFactory1.createConnection(APPLICATIONREALM_USER,


                  connection2 = connFactory2.createConnection(APPLICATIONREALM_USER,



                  Session session1 = (Session) connection1.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);

                  Session session2 = (Session) connection2.createSession(false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE);





                  MessageProducer producer = session1.createProducer(sourceQueue);

                  MessageConsumer consumer2 = session2.createConsumer(targetQueue);


                  TextMessage txtMsg = null;

                  int sentMsgsNo = 10;


                  for (int i = 0; i < sentMsgsNo; i++) {

                      txtMsg = session1.createTextMessage("Message walks on bridge...");



                  System.out.println("Producer sent messages.");


                  System.out.println("Wait for bridge to divert messages to destination queue ...");


                  MessageConsumer consumer1 = session1.createConsumer(sourceQueue);


                  TextMessage dummyResponse = null;

                  int consumer1MsgsNo = 0;

                  int consumer2MsgsNo = 0;


                  while ((dummyResponse = (TextMessage) consumer1.receive(4000)) != null) {

                      System.out.println("SourceQueue consumer received message: "

                              + dummyResponse.getText());




                  while ((dummyResponse = (TextMessage) consumer2.receive(4000)) != null) {

                      System.out.println("DestinationQueue consumer received message: "

                              + dummyResponse.getText());




      , where consumer1 is registered after the messages where sent, the test ends with 10 messages on consumer2 and 0 on consumer1.


      I cannot find out why this is happening. It seems that messages are load-balanced through the consumers. Is this the normal behaviour ? The bridge is NOT unidirectional, but bidirectional ? (although the bridge is defined only on node1 and its definition says that the forwarding address is only TargetQ1 on node2)


