8 Replies Latest reply on Jan 24, 2013 7:49 AM by tomjenkinson

    What is the REASON for the exception: could not enlist in transaction


      Hi pls tell me what is the REASON for the following exception to occur:


      Caused by: org.jboss.util.NestedSQLException: Could not enlist in transaction on entering meta-aware object!javax.transaction.SystemException: enlistResource failed; - nested throwable: (javax.resource.ResourceException: Could not enlist in transaction on entering meta-aware object!javax.transaction.SystemException: enlistResource failed)



      what is that META AWARE OBJECT?


      Note: i am using only one database, not two or more databases.

        • 1. Re: What is the REASON for the exception: could not enlist in transaction



          I used google to find this for you: https://community.jboss.org/wiki/CouldNotEnlistInTransaction


          Looks like the transaction timed out at a guess. The error message is actually coming from JCA rather than JBTM.



          • 2. Re: What is the REASON for the exception: could not enlist in transaction

            Hi Tom,


            thanks for your reply, i dont think this is because of transaction time out. because i experimented by setting a small time out for a transaction, "Interrupted while requesting permit" msg was there in logs.. but this msg was not there when could not enlist error came..


            it would be great if u tell the possible scenarios this could not enlist will come. note that i am using only one database (mysql) and only one local-tx-datasource..


            i dont think even a transaction being marked as rollback will throw this could not enlist msg...

            • 3. Re: What is the REASON for the exception: could not enlist in transaction

              The article Tom referenced says that there are other reasons besides timeouts for a transaction being marked as rollback only. For example if you try to access two non XA databases you may see this error (but I am sure there are also be other reasons why a transaciton can be marked rollback only).


              What do you mean by "i am using only one database (mysql) and only one local-tx-datasource". Is there anything else in the logs that might indicate what is going on.

              • 4. Re: What is the REASON for the exception: could not enlist in transaction

                Hi Michael,


                i am using only one <local-tx-datasource>


                no info about timeout, rollback, deadlock in logs... this exception comes as:


                org.jboss.util.NestedSQLException: Could not enlist in transaction on entering meta-aware object!javax.transaction.SystemException: enlistResource failed; - nested throwable: (javax.resource.ResourceException: Could not enlist in transaction on entering meta-aware object!javax.transaction.SystemException: enlistResource failed)


                com.mysql.jdbc.exceptions.MySQLNonTransientConnectionException: No operations allowed after connection closed.Connection was implicitly closed due to underlying exception/error:

                ** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION **



                MESSAGE: Communications link failure due to underlying exception:


                ** BEGIN NESTED EXCEPTION **



                MESSAGE: Software caused connection abort: socket write error




                java.net.SocketException: Software caused connection abort: socket write error

                    at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite0(Native Method)

                    at java.net.SocketOutputStream.socketWrite(Unknown Source)

                    at java.net.SocketOutputStream.write(Unknown Source)

                    at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flushBuffer(Unknown Source)

                    at java.io.BufferedOutputStream.flush(Unknown Source)

                    at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.send(MysqlIO.java:2631)

                    at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sendCommand(MysqlIO.java:1548)

                    at com.mysql.jdbc.MysqlIO.sqlQueryDirect(MysqlIO.java:1659)

                    at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.execSQL(Connection.java:3112)

                    at com.mysql.jdbc.Connection.setAutoCommit(Connection.java:5209)

                    at org.jboss.resource.adapter.jdbc.local.LocalManagedConnection.begin(LocalManagedConnection.java:135)

                    at org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.TxConnectionManager$LocalXAResource.start(TxConnectionManager.java:650)

                    at org.jboss.tm.TransactionImpl.startResource(TransactionImpl.java:1196)

                    at org.jboss.tm.TransactionImpl.enlistResource(TransactionImpl.java:649)

                    at org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.TxConnectionManager$TxConnectionEventListener.enlist(TxConnectionManager.java:437)

                    at org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.TxConnectionManager.managedConnectionReconnected(TxConnectionManager.java:323)

                    at org.jboss.resource.connectionmanager.BaseConnectionManager2.allocateConnection(BaseConnectionManager2.java:502)





                • 5. Re: What is the REASON for the exception: could not enlist in transaction

                  As I mentioned before, this looks like a JCA question really, why not ask it over at the IronJacamar forums? Those guys should be able to assist you better than we can on that type of issue.

                  • 6. Re: What is the REASON for the exception: could not enlist in transaction

                    Can you post your datasource and/or persistence unit configuration. Are there any other errors or warnings in the logs

                    • 7. Re: What is the REASON for the exception: could not enlist in transaction

                      Ok Tom, i will post there...


                      Michael, now i dont have access to that.. but i am just interested what would be the reason for the above error to come, if i use only one <local-tx-datasource> and there is no rollback, timeout, deadlock info in logs.. just the above msg keeps on printing in logs.. if i restart, its working good.. and this is not occuring frequently...

                      • 8. Re: What is the REASON for the exception: could not enlist in transaction

                        Hi rpraveenkumar, would you be able to update this thread with a link to the question you asked in the JCA forum as it will be useful for others with the same issue.


