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    How do you kill off a completed thread?


      How do you kill off a completed thread?


      public void getCustomers() {


              // Start a child process and return to the caller.

              State threadState = customerHarvesterThread.getState();

              this.logger.info("Harvesting Thread State:" + threadState.name());

              if (threadState == State.NEW) {

                  this.logger.info("Harvesting Thread Starting.");

                  customerHarvesterThread.setName("Customer Harvester");


                  this.logger.info("Harvesting Thread Started:" + customerHarvesterThread.getName() + " (" + customerHarvesterThread.getId() + ")");

              } else {

                  if (threadState == State.TERMINATED) {

                      // How do we clear the thread as its never purged!

                      this.postGlobalMessage("thread_still_engaged", FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO);

                  } else {

                      // Its either running or terminated but not cleaned up yet

                      this.postGlobalMessage("thread_still_engaged", FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO);




        • 1. Re: How do you kill off a completed thread?

          I thought the thread was going the normal way of GC, references allowing(?)

          • 2. Re: How do you kill off a completed thread?

            Never seems to get cleaned up.


            Also If I fire Events in the thread and @Observe them in the parent then the observer never sees them...

            • 3. Re: How do you kill off a completed thread?

              Show more code. How are you firing them? What scope is the observer? How is the thread look etc.

              • 4. Re: How do you kill off a completed thread?

                Looking at the posted code so far you appear to have a reference to the Thread for you to be able to check the state - as long as you keep a reference to the thread it will never be garbage collected.

                • 5. Re: How do you kill off a completed thread?

                  Observers class (harvest the errors and shows them on a JSF screen)


                  @URLMappings(mappings = { @URLMapping(id = "mappingErrorsFromImport", pattern = "/customer/errors", viewId = "/pages/customer/importErrors.xhtml")})
                  //Lets be long running (multiple client-server round trips) - Needs Extended on
                  //PersistanceContext too to hold onto my objects and not get LIEs.
                  //EL Can can find me...
                  public class CustomerHarvestFromXXErrorsService extends BaseController implements Serializable {
                      private static final long serialVersionUID = 3020101639753884992L;
                      private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CustomerHarvestFromXXErrorsService.class.getName());
                      private Collection<SalesPoint> mappingErrorsFromImport = new ArrayList<SalesPoint>();;
                      public CustomerHarvestFromXXErrorsService() {
                      public String init() {
                          return "pretty:mappingErrorsFromImport";
                      public void appendError(@Observes CustomerImportFailToMapEvent customerImportFailToMapEvent) {
                          if (mappingErrorsFromImport != null) {
                              this.logger.info("Called with " + mappingErrorsFromImport.size() + "Errors");
                      public void removeError(@Observes CustomerImportMapEvent customerImportMapEvent) {
                      public Collection<SalesPoint> getErrors() {
                          return this.mappingErrorsFromImport;
                      public void clearErrors(@Observes CustomerImportStartEvent customerImportStartEvent) {
                          this.mappingErrorsFromImport = new ArrayList<SalesPoint>();
                     public String finished() { 
                          return "pretty:home";




                  Controller class (kicksoff the harvest Thread to reap some stuff from some nasty SQL)


                  @URLMappings(mappings = { @URLMapping(id = "importCustomers", pattern = "/customer/import", viewId = "/pages/customer/importCustomers.xhtml")})
                  //Lets be long running (multiple client-server round trips) - Needs Extended on
                  //PersistanceContext too to hold onto my objects and not get LIEs.
                  //EL Can can find me...
                  public class CustomerHarvestFromXXService extends BaseController implements Serializable {
                      private String cid;
                      // Inject this to make conversation magic happen
                      private Conversation conversation;
                      CustomerHarvesterThread customerHarvesterThread;
                      public CustomerHarvestFromXXService() {
                       * Hack to pass cid to prettyfaces so it can add it to URL - DONT remove.
                      public String getCid() {
                          return this.conversation.getId();
                      public void setCid(String cid) {
                          this.cid = cid;
                      // A good place to START a conversation from. ** land here off a menu
                      // click...
                      public String init() {
                          if (!this.conversation.isTransient()) {
                              this.logger.info("Existing conversation found:" + this.conversation.getId() + " Ending it...");
                          this.logger.info("+++CONVERSATION START");
                          this.conversation.begin(); // START THE LONG RUNNING CONVERSATION
                          this.logger.info("conversation:" + this.conversation.getId());
                          return "pretty:importCustomers";
                      public void getCustomers() {
                          // Start a child process and return to the caller.
                          State threadState = customerHarvesterThread.getState();
                          this.logger.info("Harvesting Thread State:" + threadState.name());
                          if (threadState == State.NEW) {
                              this.logger.info("Harvesting Thread Starting.");
                              customerHarvesterThread.setName("Customer Harvester");
                              this.logger.info("Harvesting Thread Started:" + customerHarvesterThread.getName() + " (" + customerHarvesterThread.getId() + ")");
                          } else {
                              if (threadState == State.TERMINATED) {
                                  // How do we clear the thread as its never purged!   <<===== How do we clear it away; stays for ever even if set to null!
                                  this.postGlobalMessage("thread_still_engaged", FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO);
                              } else {
                                  // Its either running or terminated but not cleaned up yet TODO Clean this up!
                                  this.postGlobalMessage("thread_still_engaged", FacesMessage.SEVERITY_INFO);
                     public String finished() { // land on here when finished up to return to
                                                            // Main Page (a "done" button).
                          this.logger.info("+++CONVERSATION END for conversation:" + this.conversation.getId());
                          if (!this.conversation.isTransient()) { // May have been an error (don't
                                                                  // get trapped on the page).
                              this.conversation.end(); // END THE LONG RUNNING CONVERSATION
                          return "pretty:home";



                  And the Thread!

                  NOTE: The Transaction stuff is supposed to start a new TXN per batch but doesn't!!!


                  public class CustomerHarvesterThread extends Thread {
                      private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(CustomerHarvesterThread.class.getName());
                      public CustomerHarvesterThread() {
                      private EntityManager em;
                      // Inject a UserTransaction for manual transaction demarcation.
                      private UserTransaction userTransaction;
                      //private CustomerHarvestFromXXErrorsService customerHarvestFromXXErrorsService; <<== still trying to get Events working... but will resort to hacking it directly....
                      // Events
                      Event<Thread> customerImportStartEvent;
                      Event<Customer> customerImportMapEvent;
                      Event<SalesPoint> customerImportFailToMapEvent;
                      Event<Thread> customerImportEndEvent;
                      public void run() {
                          customerImportStartEvent.fire(this); <<=== Dont see this
                          logger.info("Completed thread action to process Customers...");
                          customerImportEndEvent.fire(this); <<=== Dont see this
                      private void ripCustomers() {
                          boolean logEachCustomer = false;
                          this.logger.info("> getCustomers");
                          Collection<SalesPoint> customersFromXX = new ArrayList<SalesPoint>();
                          Connection con = null;
                          String url = "xxxx";
                          String dbName = "xxx";
                          String driver = "xxx";
                          String userName = "xxx";
                          String password = "xxx";
                          String query = "SELECT DISTINCT some nasty SQL";
                          try {
                              con = DriverManager.getConnection(url + dbName, userName, password);
                              Statement st = con.createStatement();
                              ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery(query);
                              if (logEachCustomer) {
                          if (customersFromXX.size() == 0) {
                              logger.info("No XX Customers to harvest...");
                          } else {
                              logger.info("Harvesting " + customersFromXX.size() + " XX Customers...");
                          // Clear any errors in Error Registry as we are going to add some (TODO need to do this as an append in the future and remove successful ones)
                          //customerHarvestFromXXErrorsService.clearErrors();  <<== still trying to get Events working... but will resort to hacking it directly....
                          // For each customer we now process them in slices.
                          int sliceSize = 100;
                          int sliceCounter = 0;
                          Collection<SalesPoint> customersFromXXInBatch = new ArrayList<SalesPoint>();
                          Iterator<SalesPoint> customerIterator = customersFromXX.iterator();
                          while (customerIterator.hasNext()) {
                              if (sliceCounter == sliceSize) {
                                  sliceCounter = 0;
                          if (sliceCounter != 0) { // We have some left in the last batch
                              sliceCounter = 0;
                          logger.info("Finished harvesting XX Customers...");
                      // Lets start a new (very clean) transaction for handling each customer batch as we need to store the new "real" customer object
                      // against the Territory (Don't want to do all the customers in 1 Trans as timeout will kick in)
                      private void processXXCustomerBatch(Collection<SalesPoint> customersFromXXInBatch) {
                          try {
                          logger.info("Processing Batch...");
                          userTransaction.begin(); <<== had hoped this would create a new TXN (per batch) to avoid a timeout - It doesnt!
                          logger.info("TXN Started..." + userTransaction.toString());
                          // If the customer already exists (100% match) then ignore/update
                          // TODO
                          //Collection<SalesPoint> errors = new ArrayList<SalesPoint>();  <<== still trying to get Events working... but will resort to hacking it directly....
                          for (SalesPoint eachCustomerFromXXInThisBatch : customersFromXXInBatch) {
                              if (!eachCustomerFromXXInThisBatch.isUsed()) {
                                  logger.info("SalesPoint failed to map: "+ eachCustomerFromXXInThisBatch);
                                  customerImportFailToMapEvent.fire(eachCustomerFromXXInThisBatch); <<=== Dont see this
                          //customerHarvestFromXXErrorsService.appendErrors(errors);  <<== still trying to get Events working... but will resort to hacking it directly....
                          userTransaction.commit(); <<== had hoped this would create a new TXN (per batch) to avoid a timeout
                          logger.info("TXN Comitted..." + userTransaction.toString());
                  • 6. Re: How do you kill off a completed thread?

                    If you do a


                    Event<Thread> customerImportStartEvent;


                    you would have


                    public void lurk(@Observes @CustomerImportStartEvent Thread thread)




                    Never seen a @Stateless used as a Thread before.

                    • 7. Re: How do you kill off a completed thread?



                      >> Never seen a @Stateless used as a Thread before.

                      As you can see its been a lot of trial an error...

                      • 8. Re: How do you kill off a completed thread?


                        This compiles too!


                        Event<Thread> customerImportStartEvent;


                        you would have


                        public void lurk(@Observes @CustomerImportStartEvent Thread thread)


                        public void appendError(@Observes @CustomerImportFailToMapEvent SalesPoint customerImportFailToMapEvent) {
                        public void removeError(@Observes @CustomerImportMapEvent Customer customerImportMapEvent) {
                        public void clearErrors(@Observes @CustomerImportStartEvent Thread thread) {


                        Will set some data up so can try tomorrow at home.


                        Must sleep; thx....

                        • 9. Re: How do you kill off a completed thread?

                          Sure, you can fire all the events you want but noone has to listen to them ;-)


                          The @Stateless Thread is probably why you're not seeing the expected interceptor behaviour...

                          • 10. Re: How do you kill off a completed thread?

                            I'm not sure what you're trying to do here, but you can't directly spawn threads from EJBs. The spec specifically disallows it.


                            If you need to do asynchronous work then have a look at @javax.ejb.Asynchronous.

                            • 11. Re: How do you kill off a completed thread?

                              @javax.ejb.Startup can only be applied to @javax.ejb.Singleton beans.


                              From the look of it, CustomerHarvestFromXXErrorsService should probably look like:


                              {code:java}@URLMappings(mappings = { @URLMapping(id = "mappingErrorsFromImport", pattern = "/customer/errors", viewId = "/pages/customer/importErrors.xhtml")})



                              //Lets be long running (multiple client-server round trips)

                              //EL Can can find me...


                              public class CustomerHarvestFromXXErrorsService extends BaseController {




                              • 12. Re: How do you kill off a completed thread?

                                It would perhaps be a good idea to output a WARN at deployment time for using @Startup on non-singletons (you see cases once in a while)...

                                • 13. Re: How do you kill off a completed thread?

                                  I think maybe it should fail to deploy actually, since the behaviour is likely to be incorrect.

                                  • 14. Re: How do you kill off a completed thread?

                                    Well, the specification doesn't explicitly forbid it, you are just not expected to see any results if you put it on non-singletons. I think there are many other similar annotations that can be misplaced (e.g. @Inject @SessionScoped) that don't do what might be expected. OTOH, you are free to re-use annotations in your application (e.g. check if they are present and then do something). Although in many cases it will just lead to more confusion.

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