4 Replies Latest reply on Dec 12, 2012 2:57 AM by mageshbk

    Enable MTOM on Switchyard's SOAP endpoint




      i'm currently developing some webservices that use MTOM for transferring large files. I'm using Switchyard 0.6 (that uses CXF) for exposing endpoints. I can't seem to find any article, tutorial or documentation on how to tell SY to create service endpoint with MTOM support (mtom-enabled = true). Can it be forced on JBoss AS7 server? Or can it be set in SY configuration file (switchyard.xml)?



        • 1. Re: Enable MTOM on Switchyard's SOAP endpoint

          Hi krivko,


          We do not have support for MTOM in SwitchYard yet. I have created a JIRA to add support in near future. Please vote and watch for it.



          • 2. Re: Enable MTOM on Switchyard's SOAP endpoint

            Thank you for the quick answer and for opening the JIRA feature request. Let's hope it gets implemented In the meanwhile this problem can be solved (i assume) using the remote invoker which is started by the incoming WS call. Again there is almost no documentation about Switchyard's remote invoker (being experimental feature) - do you know where can I find some samples on how to configure swichyard.xml to support this.



            • 3. Re: Enable MTOM on Switchyard's SOAP endpoint

              Attachment support is something we need to address across the board for all gateways and implementations.  This will not be part of 0.7, but will definitely happen before 1.0.


              Some information on RemoteInvoker is available here, although I'm guessing you've already seen that since you know it's experimental. :-)  Basically, RemoteInvoker is a client API for speaking to services in SwitchYard that use "binding.remote".  Attachment support is required for this as well, so I'm not sure it will necessarily help you until we implement the attachment feature across the platform.  You can include arbitrary data in the message body for several gateway types (remote, ftp, file, jms, etc.), so that option is available to you in the interim.

              • 4. Re: Enable MTOM on Switchyard's SOAP endpoint



                You missed the link I suppose! Is this the one?



