0 Replies Latest reply on Dec 11, 2012 3:40 AM by greendale

    Cached Web Service Client sends wrong SoapAction in HTTP header


      Hi all,


      I have a problem with an application which I have migrated from JBoss AS5 to AS7. Parts of the application contain a JaxWS webservice client which makes calls to a remote web service. The former implementation was based on the jboss-ws native stack. For performance reasons the web service client instance was cached and reused. When migrating to AS7 I have not changed the webservice client code so far, at least at first glance it looked like everything is working fine.


      But, whenever a JaxWS client is reused - taken from the pool - it sends a wrong SoapAction in the HTTP Headers. For Example




      ID: 3

      Address: http://server:8080/....ServiceInterface

      Encoding: UTF-8

      Content-Type: text/xml

      Headers: {Accept=[*/*], Accept-Encoding=[gzip], SOAPAction=["http://..../wsdl:GetConfigurations"]}

      Payload: <soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/">


         <nsh:AuthenticationHeader xmlns:nsh="http:....">...</nsh:AuthenticationHeader>



         <GetTemplates xmlns="....."> ... </GetTemplates>




      So as one sees, the actual call is 'GetTemplates' but the SoapAction in the header is 'GetConfigurations', which causes an Error-500 on the remote server.



      For the moment - as a hack - I remove the SoapAction from the HttpHeaders, before putting back the client stup into the pool:


      Map httpHeaders = ((BindingProvider)stub).getRequestContext();




      But I do not feal very comfortable with this hack. Does any ody know about this issue, or have I missed something during migration?