1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 11, 2012 6:23 AM by emcube

    HELP: Hot deploy does not work JBoss AS 6.0.0 eclipse juno


      Hi all,

      I'm working on a Seam Web project (started 2 years ago) and used many versions of eclipseIDE/jboss/seam.

      The problem is that now, with Eclipse Juno, hot deployment does not work! It worked fine before swicthing to Juno.


      This is what I do:

      1. launch (debug mode) in IDE the AS 6.0 server, starting up the application

      2. do some changes on code (java or xhtml is the same)

      3. changes are immediatly rebuilded and deployed (if I go to the deploy folder JbossROOT/server/default/deploy/MYPROJECT_FOLDER I can see code modifications!)

      4. I refresh my app web page (I used doing the same when working with Eclipse Indigo)

      5. NOTHING, MY CHANGES ARE NOT ON THE PAGE (also refreshing ctrl+F5, deleting cache, ...)


      Other Info:

      - Juno Release, Build id: 20120614-1722

      - Jboss Tools 3.3.1