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1. Re: Event Handling between two EJB-JARs (Observer Pattern?)
viggo.navarsete Dec 12, 2012 8:07 AM (in response to patsinnervoice)Just curious, what is the business use case you're trying to solve , speaking non-technically?
2. Re: Event Handling between two EJB-JARs (Observer Pattern?)
patsinnervoice Dec 12, 2012 8:22 AM (in response to viggo.navarsete)Hi Viggo,
BeanB is a proxy for communication between the legacy code the legacy code (CORBA, C++) and the other EJBs in the application server ... BeanB receives information via callbacks, prepares the information and triggers and event so the BeanA get's the informationen (in theory) ... hopes this explains for what i need the events.