2 Replies Latest reply on Dec 13, 2012 4:04 AM by lan.shuwen

    JNDI in hornetq 2.3.0-beta2


      hi,i'm using hornetq-2.3.0beta2 the problem is when i using with jndi,the client was unable to connect to the server and no errors output.

      then i debug my code,i found that the client was blocked at


      the client either the server has no error output.

      but without use jndi, it worked fine.


      i notice that in 2.3.0beta2 hornetq-beans.xml the jndi configuration is:


      <bean name="StandaloneServer" class="org.hornetq.jms.server.impl.StandaloneNamingServer">
                  <inject bean="HornetQServer"/>
            <property name="port">${jnp.port:1099}</property>
            <property name="bindAddress">${jnp.host:localhost}</property>
            <property name="rmiPort">${jnp.rmiPort:1098}</property>
            <property name="rmiBindAddress">${jnp.host:localhost}</property>


      but in old versions the jndi configuration is :


      <bean name="Naming" class="org.jnp.server.NamingBeanImpl"/>
         <!-- JNDI server. Disable this if you don't want JNDI -->
         <bean name="JNDIServer" class="org.jnp.server.Main">
            <property name="namingInfo">
               <inject bean="Naming"/>
            <property name="port">${jnp.port:1099}</property>
            <property name="bindAddress">${jnp.host:localhost}</property>
            <property name="rmiPort">${jnp.rmiPort:1098}</property>
            <property name="rmiBindAddress">${jnp.host:localhost}</property>


      then i replace the jndi configuration in 2.3.0beta2 with the old,and it worked.


      ps: i use the hornetq-2.3.0beta2 out of the box,and configure nothing except the ip address.


      is this a problem or any suggestions? thanks.