6 Replies Latest reply on Dec 17, 2012 9:03 AM by robinho

    No action/actionListener for tabs when switchtype=client?


      Hello everyone,


      I'm using a tabPanel to switch between different pages, which use different kind of data. The pages all have a couple of forms.

      Since i didn't want to load all data for every page i just used one Data object and only loaded the required data per page.

      I did this by using the actionListener for every tab like shown below.

      This worked great for me in 3.3.1 because i could use switch type ajax.

      Now in RF 4.2.3 i have to surround the tabPanel with a form when using switchtype ajax.

      If doing so my forms inside the tab's won't work anymore so i switched to switchType=client, because no surrounding form is needed.

      But now my actionListeners won't work anymore. I tried different approaches:


      action or actionListener for rich:tab, valueChangeListener for tabPanel,

      ontabenter for rich:tab, nothing works. I even tried it with simple alerts but it never gets called.




      <rich:tabPanel switchType="client" id="tabPanel">




                          <f:facet name="header">

                              <h:outputText value="#{msg.label_DataA}" />



                              src="tabs/aTab.xhtml" />





                          <f:facet name="header">

                              <h:outputText value="#{msg.label_DataB}" />



                              src="tabs/bTab.xhtml" />







      public void changeDataToA(ActionEvent e) {

              data = loadData("a");



      public void changeDataToB(ActionEvent e) {

              data = loadData("b");






      Anybody got a solution for this?