1. Re: Capedwarf in Openshift - admin password
alesj Dec 17, 2012 11:52 AM (in response to rimolive)You can disable the login.
In standalone-capedwarf.xml there is a CapeDwarf subsystem config, which enables this auth check.
For the actual user / password, I pinged Matej who will tell you more.
2. Re: Capedwarf in Openshift - admin password
lazo Dec 17, 2012 6:53 PM (in response to alesj)Pasword is generated on first deploy and shown on a welcome page. As it is described on a welcome page, you don't have access to your pass once you trigger redeploy.
Doing standard JBossAS password reset, can set new pass for "admin".
New password generation could be triggered by removing user "admin" user from "application-users.properties" and provide default index.html (welcome page) to show the pass.
3. Re: Capedwarf in Openshift - admin password
rimolive Dec 17, 2012 7:02 PM (in response to lazo)Matej Lazar wrote:
Pasword is generated on first deploy and shown on a welcome page. As it is described on a welcome page, you don't have access to your pass once you trigger redeploy.
Doing standard JBossAS password reset, can set new pass for "admin".
New password generation could be triggered by removing user "admin" user from "application-users.properties" and provide default index.html (welcome page) to show the pass.
Is this password only shown in the first access? Because I accessed welcome page and I found the following message:
"To access CapeDwarf admin console use username "admin" and password "" without quotes."
So I tried to access admin console with the information provided but still no access.
4. Re: Capedwarf in Openshift - admin password
lazo Dec 17, 2012 7:09 PM (in response to rimolive)Not only on first acces, but you must open welcome page before restart or git push to your OpenShift repo.
If there was a blank pass before git push or app restart, could you please provide steps to reproduce this scenario ?
5. Re: Capedwarf in Openshift - admin password
rimolive Dec 17, 2012 8:26 PM (in response to rimolive)Hello Matej,
Just to document what we discussed, you were right about the password generation but remember to fix the problem with some special chars that can't work when generating the password.
6. Re: Capedwarf in Openshift - admin password
rimolive Dec 17, 2012 8:34 PM (in response to rimolive)Hello Matej,
Just to document what we discussed, you were right about the password generation but remember to fix the problem with some special chars that can't work when generating the password.
7. Re: Capedwarf in Openshift - admin password
lazo Dec 27, 2012 9:29 AM (in response to rimolive)Password generation fixed.