1 Reply Latest reply on Dec 22, 2012 10:08 AM by rhanus

    rich:validator : client side validator : possible to externalize the validation constraints ?




      We are trying to move our validator framework to Richfaces-4 CSV (client side validation)

      Is there a way to externalize the validation constraints for all beans vs annotation ?



      We are ok to restart the application layer when the validation rules are altered.




        • 1. Re: rich:validator : client side validator : possible to externalize the validation constraints ?

          depending on what you exactly mean

          to externalize the validation constraints for all beans vs annotation

          you may use event element of jsf core like bellow:


          <f:event type="postValidate" listener="#{ourBean.myValidation}"/>


          and provide validation listener in your bean code:


          public void myValidation(ComponentSystemEvent e) {

                  UIPanel panel = (UIPanel) e.getComponent();

                  UIInput aInput = (UIInput) panel.findComponent("aInput");


                  FacesContext fc = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();

                  if (aInput.getValue() == null) {

                      fc.addMessage(aInput.getClientId(), new FacesMessage(FacesMessage.SEVERITY_ERROR, "empty input", null));




