4 Replies Latest reply on Dec 28, 2012 1:03 PM by ctomc

    Does Jboss 7.x support jars used in older version JBoss

      Hi All,


      I have a small query to be clarified when migrating from JBoss older version to newer version i.e JBoss 7.1 or 7.2.

      I know that JBoss 7 follows modular class loading.  Need to understand the compatibility of JBoss 7.1 with across older version support of ejb,struts,hibernate,jms etc. Any document explaining this would also suffice.


      My question is can we keep the jars used by older version JBoss into the JBoss 7.x corresponding modules library and deploy? 


      For instance I am migrating from JBoss 3.2 to JBoss 7.x, I have the following jar and its MANIFEST.MF under my jboss 3.2/server/node/lib


      1) jboss-j2ee.jar - Has support for EJB2, JMS, SQL,TRANSACTION



      Manifest-Version: 1.0
      Specification-Title: JBoss
      Created-By: 1.4.2_05-b04 (Sun Microsystems Inc.)
      Ant-Version: Apache Ant 1.6.2
      Implementation-Title: JBoss [WonderLand]
      Specification-Vendor: JBoss (http://www.jboss.org/)
      Specification-Version: 3.2.6
      Implementation-Vendor-Id: http://www.jboss.org/
      Implementation-Version: 3.2.6 (build: CVSTag=JBoss_3_2_6 date=20041014
      Implementation-Vendor: JBoss.org
      Implementation-URL: http://www.jboss.org/


      Can I keep the same jar under jboss-as-7.1x\modules\javax\ejb\api\main which already has in built jboss-ejb-api_3.1_spec-1.0.1.Final.jar, modify modules.xml to reflect the change?


      Can anybody clarify me. This would help understand if Jboss 7 supports older version technologies.




        • 1. Re: Does Jboss 7.x support jars used in older version JBoss

          As a general rule of thumb you shouldn't have any extra jars hanging around the deployment. Having extra e.g. javax.* classes in the WAR can easily lead to confusion.

          • 2. Re: Does Jboss 7.x support jars used in older version JBoss



            given that jar in question is part of EE implementation you should not carry it over.

            EE specifications are backward comptible, that means that even if you upgrade to EE server that supports never standard that you used for building your application it should still work.

            given that you dont use some non-standard parts of api


            AS7 supports EE6 standard and what was in jboss-j2ee jar is not in multiple jars(modules) that should be automaticly acessible to your application.




            • 3. Re: Does Jboss 7.x support jars used in older version JBoss



              So do you mean that the jars which come along with jboss as 7.x is already compatible and there is no need to add any jar explicitly? is there any exceptional cases?


              • 4. Re: Does Jboss 7.x support jars used in older version JBoss

                chandra sekaran wrote:




                So do you mean that the jars which come along with jboss as 7.x is already compatible and there is no need to add any jar explicitly? is there any exceptional cases?


                yes, they come with AS7.x it is present in different modules/jars but all classes are there, and your application should not provide(bundle) them.

                Exceptional cases would be if you have used any non-standard APIs aka some jboss 3.x specific classes, which you probably didnt. best way to do that is try

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