2 Replies Latest reply on Jan 7, 2013 12:38 PM by drathnow

    Query not working with Infinispan Cache


      I've been trying out the query capabilities of Inifinispan and was able to get the sample from the documention working but I seem to be having problems getting my own test program to work.  I have a ControlRequest class that is indexed by a SiteAddress field, which uses a StringBridge to convert it's value to a string.  However, the test code below doesn't seem to work.  I'm expecting it to return only 3 entries to me by it is returning all 5 in the cache. 


      Could some kind soul enlighten me as to what I'm doing wrong?




      Footnote: If I change the address2 to  NuidSiteAddress(1234, 18) , the query to work???


      public class Test {


          private static final SiteAddress address1 = new IpSiteAddress("", 17); // toString=""

          private static final SiteAddress address2 = new NuidSiteAddress(1234, 17);    // toString="1234/17"


          public static void main(String[] args) {

              org.apache.log4j.Logger.getRootLogger().addAppender(new ConsoleAppender(new PatternLayout("%m%n")));


              SearchMapping mapping = new SearchMapping();



              Properties properties = new Properties();

              properties.put(org.hibernate.search.Environment.MODEL_MAPPING, mapping);


              Configuration infinispanConfiguration = new ConfigurationBuilder()






              Cache<Long, ControlRequest> cache = new DefaultCacheManager(infinispanConfiguration).getCache();


              cache.put(1L, new ControlRequest(address1));

              cache.put(2L, new ControlRequest(address1));

              cache.put(3L, new ControlRequest(address1));

              cache.put(4L, new ControlRequest(address2));

              cache.put(5L, new ControlRequest(address2));


              SearchManager searchManager = org.infinispan.query.Search.getSearchManager(cache);

              QueryBuilder queryBuilder = searchManager.buildQueryBuilderForClass(ControlRequest.class).get();

              org.apache.lucene.search.Query luceneQuery = queryBuilder



                      .matching(address1) // Also tried this with "address1.toString()"


              CacheQuery query = searchManager.getQuery(luceneQuery, ControlRequest.class);

              List<Object> objectList = query.list();

              Assert.assertEquals(3, objectList.size());




      public class ControlRequest {


          @FieldBridge(impl = SiteAddressFieldBridge.class)

          private SiteAddress siteAddress;


          public ControlRequest(SiteAddress siteAddress) {

              this.siteAddress = siteAddress;



          public SiteAddress getSiteAddress() {

              return siteAddress;




      public class SiteAddressFieldBridge implements StringBridge {



          public String objectToString(Object object) {

              return object.toString();



        • 1. Re: Query not working with Infinispan Cache

          No response so far so how about this one:


          I took the sample from the documentation page and wrote it using my own values:




          public class Test2 {


              public static class Author {

                  long id;

                  @Field String name;

                  @Field String surname;


                  public Author(long id, String name, String surname) {

                      this.id = id;

                      this.name = name;

                      this.surname = surname;



                  public long getId() {

                      return id;




              public static void main(String[] args) {

                  org.apache.log4j.Logger.getRootLogger().addAppender(new ConsoleAppender(new PatternLayout("%m%n")));


                  SearchMapping mapping = new SearchMapping();


                        .property("name", ElementType.METHOD).field()

                        .property("surname", ElementType.METHOD).field();


                  Properties properties = new Properties();

                  properties.put(org.hibernate.search.Environment.MODEL_MAPPING, mapping);

                  properties.put("hibernate.search.[other options]", "[...]");


                  Configuration infinispanConfiguration = new ConfigurationBuilder()







                  DefaultCacheManager cacheManager = new DefaultCacheManager(infinispanConfiguration);


                  Cache<Long, Author> cache = cacheManager.getCache();


                  cache.put(1L, new Author(1, "", "Surtani1"));

                  cache.put(2L, new Author(2, "", "Surtani2"));

                  cache.put(3L, new Author(3, "4321/17", "Surtani3"));

                  cache.put(4L, new Author(4, "4321/17", "Surtani4"));

                  cache.put(5L, new Author(5, "Bob", "Surtani5"));


                  SearchManager sm = org.infinispan.query.Search.getSearchManager(cache);

                  QueryBuilder queryBuilder = sm.buildQueryBuilderForClass(Author.class).get();

                  org.apache.lucene.search.Query query = queryBuilder





                  CacheQuery cq = sm.getQuery(query, Author.class);

                  Assert.assertEquals(0, cq.getResultSize());





          This fails with


          Exception in thread "main" junit.framework.AssertionFailedError: expected:<0> but was:<4>


          Could anyone explain that one to me???

          • 2. Re: Query not working with Infinispan Cache

            I think you're running into a problem with Lucene Analyzers, which are responsible for breaking up index values into tokens.  The default analyzer treats non-alphabetic characters as token separators so it is breaking up your query string into multiple tokens (i.e. "1234/17" is broken up into "1234" and "17").  Try using "WhitespaceAnalyzer" instead. The easiest way to do this is to annotate your  ControlRequest and Author class with "@Analyzer(impl = WhitespaceAnalyzer.class)"

